Bistro Sixty Logo
Waupaca County Nutrition Program Logo


Please keep in mind the following when requesting program Vouchers:

  1. Waupaca County has available to participants a limited number of Vouchers annually. This number is based on available program funding. If you request Vouchers but do not use them in a timely manner, the unused Vouchers are not available for others to use.
  2. Maximum number of Vouchers available to you per calendar month is 12 per person.
  3. Each person requesting additional Vouchers must use a separate order form.
Thank you!
To receive dining Vouchers, complete and submit this form

Have you completed and submitted a 2025 program registration form?

Please select the number of Vouchers needed at this time for the person named above:

How would you like to receiver your Vouchers?

Please note if you chose In Person Pick Up: please allow 2 full business days for processing before attempting pick up. You may call 715-942-1900 to inquire if your order is ready.

How would you like to notified of your order fulfillment?

Did you know?

Your contribution is very important to the continued success of this Nutrition Program!

These meals are funded with State and Federal grants, local tax dollars and participant donations.

Participant donations account for 12% of the annual nutrition program funding.

Suggested Contribution per Voucher: $5.00

Checks may be issued to: Waupaca County with Subject Line: Senior Nutrition Program

4 Vouchers- Suggested Donation= $20.00

8 Vouchers- Suggested Donation= $40.00

12 Vouchers- Suggested Donation= $60.00

The full meal cost is $12.79 per program meal. *You will not be denied a meal if you are unable to contribute.

The dining program serves more than just a meal! It is a balanced and nutritious meal that you choose when and where to eat along with the opportunity for socialization with family, friends, and other seniors!

Disclosure: This project was supported, in part by grant number 90INNU0040, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.