January 17, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 12:12 p.m. by Patrol Captain Todd Rasmussen.  The meeting location was Hotel Fremont in Fremont, Wisconsin.


Members Present:  Patrol Captain Todd Rasmussen, Sheriff Brad Hardel, State DOT Representative Mike Wendt, State DOT Representative Tony Kemnitz, County Board Chair Dick Koeppen, Dr. Jerry Salan, Highway Commissioner Dean Steingraber, Emergency Management Director Andrew Carlin, Area DOT Program Manager Thomas Knoop, State Patrol Representative Sergeant Carrie Johnson, State Patrol Representative Kendi Linjer, Mukwa Town Supervisor Lee Shaw, and Population Representative Bob Flease.


Patrol Captain Rasmussen read the open meeting statement.


Motion by Tom Knoop, seconded by Bob Flease to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Motion by Dick Koeppen, seconded by Andy Carlin to approve the agenda. Motion carried without a negative vote.


Patrol Captain Rasmussen - See attached Traffic Report. Captain Rasmussen advised Waupaca County records show 6 fatalities in the 2012 year. Tom Knoop advised according to the State Waupaca County has 9 fatalities. It was discussed where the discrepancy may lie. Trooper Linjer suggested Waupaca County may be given credit for fatalities on the county line between Outagamie and Waupaca when the fatal should be credited to Outagamie.


Dean Steingraber - the Highway Committee had discussed in the past about USH 10 freeway conversion from express design standard to freeway. They are waiting for the DOT. The committee had suggested it be taken before the county board for the second time for a resolution to at least see a design for the freeway conversion.  Issues were raised again regarding USH 10 and Vaughan Road. Tony Kemnitz advised he would see what he could find out and get back to Dean.  Hwy 45/Church Road has been receiving complaints because it looks like a passing lane on the east side of the road.  Tony advised they made changes on USH 45 near the concrete plant in New London after a fatality to address a similar situation and believes it helped to address the issue. Dean advised they were still getting complaints and still having problems in this area.  County Highway Department is looking for suggestions for safety ideas regarding snow plows and the general public. Tony suggested possibly placing ads on television similar to the ones that wired a few years ago. Sheriff Hardel pointed out the public itself needs to pay closer attention to plows and use necessary safety precautions.  Dick Koeppen inquired if the ads previously placed for the public about slowing down or moving over for police had been beneficial. Sheriff Hardel advised the Sheriff's Office has had another officer watching as traffic stops are performed, watching to see if the public slows or moves over. He advised approximately 50% of the traffic does not slow down or move over. Public education is slowly reaching the public, but some people know about it and fail to act. The subject of cell phone ban while driving was addressed again. Signs are not permitted by the DOT when entering the county and it cannot be enforced when the drivers are not made aware of the ordinance. The use of billboards is permissible. Tony advised he will pass the information along regarding possibly only 2 signs on USH 10 at each county line. Lee Shaw questioned if magnetic signs could be placed on back of squad cars. Sergeant Johnson advised the magnetic signs do not stay on, and Sheriff Hardel advised the new squads have no area for magnetic signs.


Dr. Salan - Nothing


Tony Kemnitz - Provided follow-up information from the last meeting. Hwy 10/Erickson Road cable median was discussed with the State safety engineer in Madison. The WisDOT NC region is currently doing its annual safety review of the entire north central region. He and Mike Wendt have identified this area as one of the candidates. If it meets the criteria, they will submit as a stand-alone (HSIP) safety project. CTH QQ/Hwy 54 intersection was discussed with Dean. The project is programmed for 02/11/14. There are also bridge rehabilitation projects on Hwy 10 and Hwy 22 scheduled for this coming construction season. A pavement project is planned to start on STH 96 this year.  This is a pavement rehabilitation project which starts at the intersection of STH 96 and STH 45, and the traffic signal will remain.    Concerns were voiced over the hump in the road as you cross US 45.  It was questioned if this would be removed.  Tony indicated this would be addressed as part of the project.  Tony shared that a funding symposium will be held in Wausau on March 20, 2013 to discuss funding opportunities for local highway agencies.  A letter will be mailed to the County Highway Department and area municipalities.  The funding symposium will also be announced on the WisDOT site.


Bob Flease - The New London School District requested he once again call attention to the intersection on Hwy 45 by Church Road.


Dick Koeppen - Review of the budget process for Waupaca County. The citizens of Clintonville are inquiring as to the plans for the intersection of Hwy 22 and Greentree Road; whether it will be controlled by stop sign, traffic lights or round about.  Tony advised a public information meeting was held.  The roundabout option was presented, as well as realigning the intersection.  The final selection information is not available. He will try to find out that information for the next meeting.  Mike advised this intersection is still in the alternative stage. The alternative stage means the ideas are still being gathered and suggested and no definitive solution has been made. The intersection does not federally qualify at this intersection. That would leave realigning, providing turn lanes, etc. Although the roundabout was a favorable alternative in the City's view, the DOT viewed the cost factor as unfavorable for this intersection and was leaning towards realigning the intersection and providing proper turn lanes.


Tom Knoop - See attached.  Fatalities for the year totaled 601. One was determined to be due to natural causes, which brings the total to 600.  Initially they believed the total would be much higher, but thanks to some very safe months at the end, the total did not end as high as believed. He expects the number to drop below 600 as well, due to other crashes counted as fatalities being excluded from the count for various reasons. Fatalities in 2013 so far are at 17, verses 24 this time last year. Motorcycle fatalities increased in 2012 due to the nice riding weather.  Helmet use showed a slight increase in the fatalities, but the vast majority still does not wear helmets.  Seatbelt use in Wisconsin is 80%.  The percentage of those wearing a seatbelt in fatalities is 50%.  There were 98 fatal-free crash days in 2012, which is a higher number of fatal-free days than we've seen in the past, but there were 13 more multiple fatal crashes in 2012 vs. 2011.  The bulk of them were triple fatalities.  Rural areas accounted for approximately 75% of Wisconsin's traffic fatalities.  The law for the month of January is the "Move Over Law". The law of the month for February 2013 prohibits cell phone use while driving for many teens.  The Wisconsin Traffic Safety Officer's Association has a conference March 4th - 6th, 2013 at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in Stevens Point.


Brad Hardel - Nothing.


Kendi Linjer - Nothing.


Mike Wendt - Nothing.


Lee Shaw - Nothing.


Dean Steingraber mentioned options for new ways of funding transportation, such as gas tax, mileage, registration fee increase, etc.  Dean believes we should look at the GPS as a tool for traffic safety. Brad suggests looking at other means for funding than just taxing gas prices because that will not be able to raise enough money. He suggested registration fee increases, as Wisconsin has a relatively low registration fee.


Motion by Dean Steingraber to adjourn, seconded by Andrew Carlin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. Our next quarterly meeting will be held on April 18, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. at Hotel Fremont, Fremont, Wisconsin.


Sheila Wolfgram, Secretary