July 19, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Patrol Sgt. Gene Goode.  The meeting location was Hotel Fremont in Fremont, Wisconsin.


Members Present:  Patrol Sgt. Gene Goode,  Area DOT Program Manager Thomas Knoop,  Sheriff Brad Hardel, Emergency Management Director Andy Carlin, , Coroner Barry Tomaras, Dr. Jerry Salan, District Attorney John Snider, Highway Department Representative Joe Flinn, Larry Schlueter, Drivers Education representative, State DOT Representative Tony Kemnitz, State Patrol Representative Jim Binder and Population Representative Bob Flease.


Patrol Sgt. Gene Goode read the open meeting statement.


Motion by Bob Flease, seconded by Barry Tomaras to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Motion by John Snider, seconded by Sheriff Hardel to approve the agenda.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Input – Brian J. Bradley, Quality, Continuous Improvement and Safety Manager of Marion Body Works, Inc. attended the meeting.  He and Joe Flinn, Highway Department Representative talked about public safety concerns in the City of Marion relative to industrial truck traffic around the campus of Marion Body Works, Inc.  Highway Department has been dealing with problems of traffic safety for a few years in Marion.  There is no signage for heavy trucks coming into Marion Body Works. The truck traffic gets past the road where they need to turn, attempt to back up into traffic on Hwy 110 or go up to the CTY S intersection and try and turn around or go down CTY S and come into the alley of Marion Body Works, which does not work.  DOT had been contacted a few years ago, and the feeling was that the Highway Department was trying to advertise for Marion Body Works, but it’s a traffic safety issue.  Sheriff Hardel was aware of at least 3 incidents where a semi was backing up on Hwy 110 which caused cars to veer out of the way.  Sheriff Hardel said it would be a definite benefit if there was some signage showing the trucks where to go.  The Highway Department needs approval from the DOT to put signs up.  Marion Body Works will pay for the signs.  The Highway Department will help install the signs, if approved, to make sure they meet all the requirements.  Tony Kemnitz will meet with Brian Bradley and look at the site.  Tony had talked with Dean Steingraber before the meeting, so was familiar with the situation.  The DOT would prefer that the signs not be placed on highway right-of-way.  Per Joe they can get into green space between the curb and sidewalk to place the signs.


Patrol Sgt. Gene Goode - see attached Traffic Report.     There was one fatality in the quarter on 04/22/12.  No alcohol involved.  Factor was failure to maintain control.


Joe Flinn – Main item was the concern at Marion Body Works, Inc.


Larry Schluetter – Nothing


Dr. Salan – Nothing


Barry Tomaras - Nothing


John Snider – Their office is wading through the seasonal weight limit citations issued.  The law requires that the signage be placed on the highway that the weight limit applies to, but it is inconvenient for a large semi that turns off of one road onto another and finds himself in violation.  He asked about signage in advance of the roads.  Joe was asked about roads being posted before turning onto a road that has a limit.  Per Joe, some are signed.  They typically put up an advance warning within 150 feet of intersection.  He said on Hwy 54/CTY D, they wouldn’t go out both ways with signs.  Per State Patrol Officer, Jim Binder, truck routes are marked.  Also, CDL drivers know to check the limits in the spring of the year.   The DOT website would have that information posted.  John asked if he would be able to tell where signage had been.  Per Joe, there are permanent post where the weight limit signage is displayed.  Joe said the Highway Department always places a notice in the newspapers when weight limits are on.


Tony Kemnitz – Tony started with the DOT on June 4, although he has worked as a consultant for the DOT on numerous issues.  He talked with Dean regarding current construction projects that are underway.  There is a concern regarding the cable guard on Hwy 10 where the median is narrow.  There is a state-wide project that is to start on July 23, which will go through until October on Hwy 10.  Jim Binder asked if a dual set would be placed and Tony said there would be a dual set.  Regarding the deck ceiling project on hwy 10/45 – that is done.  Bridge over the south branch of the Little Wolf River on Hwy 49, north of Waupaca will be started July 24.  The Hwy 54 grind and pave project is scheduled to begin on August 14.  There will be a signed detour in place for traffic on Hwy 10 around Hwy 54.  Hwy 22/QQ turn lanes is getting up and running.  Hwy 54/QQ is safety money.  Per Andy, Hwy 10/River Road, where there is a jog in Hwy 10, deliniators were put out.  People can get off the road and right back up on the frontage road.  Hwy 10/Vaughan Road issue continues.  Sheriff Hardel himself was almost “taken out” yesterday at this location.  Tony will continue to see what can be done at this location.  Tony had a hand-out that showed part of the DOT’s public outreach to the county is to notify us in regards to lane deviation accidents that occur as a result of text messaging, smart phones, etc.  The DOT will introduce rumble strips on two-lane high risk rural roads.  They will grind in rumble strips on the center line.  They are looking at adding 54 miles of rumble strips on two-lane roads.  Primary goal is to reduce crashes.  Shoulder rumbles have been very successful in reducing fatalities and injury crashes.  Center rumbles are successful in reducing head-on collisions.  There will be two center and edge lines rumble strip areas in Waupaca County.  One will be on Hwy 22 north of Clintonville and Hwy 45 north to Hwy 22. 


Bob Flease – Highway Department is going to be re-building CTY T next year.  At the intersection of Tank Road/Collier Road and CTY T, the town has two legs and the county has two legs.  They are thinking of putting a round-about in for safety.  Asked if there would be funding from the state for that.  Tony has also talked with Dean Streingraber about this location.  Dean will provide Tony with crash data for the intersection.    


Tom Knoop – see attached.  Fatals are up 40 thus far in 2012.    Waupaca County has had two fatalities to date.  Law of month for July is “Tailgating increases your risks of a traffic ticket and a crash”, August is “Intersection crashes can be prevented by obeying traffic signals” and September is “Drivers must be even more vigilant when school starts”.  Tom had a gift for the county of 3 PBT’s, with a value of $1,500.00, along with extra tubes.  Overtime grants are available for speed and click-it campaigns.   Tom gave Sgt. Goode a crash calendar to display at the office.  Lists factors involved and dates of the year.  Sgt. Goode had a question for Tom regarding seat belt citations.  He had heard that the fine amount might be raised?  Tom doesn’t feel this will happen.  Jim Binder feels the fine rate is effective, because of the “talk” amongst those that might be cited and tell others they were pulled over for a seat belt violation.  He said this also helps clear up warrants, etc., by having the ability to pull over a car for a seat belt violation. 


Sheriff Hardel – Thanked the state for the grant money available. 


Andy Carlin – Nothing


Jim Binder –  Expressed concern from people about the closing of the bridge outside of Scandinavia and asked what was going to be done about extra traffic on local roads while construction project was underway.  Joe Flinn also mentioned that the corn is at the right height and makes it difficult to see on-coming traffic without almost pulling out too far.   Sheriff Hardel said this area would be posted for extra patrol during the construction.


Motion by Sheriff Hardel, seconded by Jim Binder to adjourn at 12:55 p.m.   Motion carried.  Our next quarterly meeting will be held on October 18, 2012 at 12:00 p.m., at Hotel Fremont, Fremont, Wisconsin.


Vickie Thoe, Secretary