June 9, 2014

                                                                                                                                    Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


Present:           Jeff Dyer, Nancy Koeppen, Joe McClone, Carl Kietzmann, Maryann Snider, Gene Sorensen, Fred Zaug, Ken Van Dyke, and Joyce Boyer


Also Present:   Debbie Krogwold and Roger Holman


Sorensen gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by Koeppen to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by McClone, seconded by Van Dyke to approve the May 12, 2014 minutes with the changing of the word “access” to “assess” and “updated” to “update”.  Motion carried.


Sorensen opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


There was no correspondence for Board action.


Holman requested that items K and M be moved up on the agenda for reporting at this time.  Sorensen moved the items.


Holman reported that during the month of May the PTF received 602 tons of solid waste, shipped 520 tons, received and processed 176 tons of recyclables, and 1792 users of the facilities programs.  Holman noted this was the second busiest month of May since 2006.  Holman reported that 402 non-compliance fees have been issued since Feb. 2013.  Holman reported that Bruneau is looking at options to handle appliances and large TV’s, burning permit writing is over for the year, and new duct work has been installed to reduce airborne dust created by document shredding.


Holman reported the Management Team is working on evaluations for Dept. Heads, budget process, and CIP.  Holman noted that Mike Koles has taken the position of Executive Director for Wis. Towns Association.  With Mike leaving, Holman stated he will have to re-think how the strategic plan will be completed for the Solid Waste/Parks/Land & Water Departments.


Holman reported on the final planning meeting held on May 22.  The Countywide group has recommended that the program continue using the assessment defined in the Recycling Agreement to fund shortage in the recycling program and that the Recycling Implementation Council (RIC) be more involved in the budget process.  Discussion followed on the planning process and future planning work.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Zaug to accept the planning groups funding recommendations.  Motion carried.


Van Dyke noted that outside the County funding issues, the group recommended that the Board address the loss of funding for the program from the State.  Van Dyke stated he would set up a sub-committee meeting to address the recommendations.


Holman reviewed the letter from the Town of Wyoming for removal from the County Recycling Program due to economic hardship.  Discussion followed on the definition of economic hardship, Town of Wyoming’s claim of economic hardship, and the position of the other 30 municipalities on what economic hardship is.


Motion by Van Dyke, seconded by Zaug to request direction from RIC on the issue of economic hardship and the agreement.  Motion carried.


Krogwold reviewed status of curbside contracts, noting that the majority of contract terms end December 2015.  A few municipalities have been contacted by Advanced Disposal requesting copies of their current service agreements.  Krogwold also reported on Wisconsin W.R.A.P. (Wrap Recycling Action Program).  At this time there is only one grocery store in Waupaca County that has registered as a collection site for plastic bags and wrap, Pick and Save in Waupaca.


The next meeting was set for July 14, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Van Dyke to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


                                                                                    Submitted by,




                                                                                    Roger G. Holman
