November 11, 2013

Courthouse, Waupaca            


Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


Present:           Jeff Dyer, Nancy Koeppen, Joe McClone, Don Morgan, Maryann Snider, Gene Sorensen, Fred Zaug, Ken Van Dyke, and Joyce Boyer


Also Present:   Roger Holman and Debbie Krogwold


Sorensen gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by McClone to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Morgan, seconded by Zaug to approve the October 14, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.


Sorensen opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


There was no correspondence for Board action.


Holman handed out information on the upcoming conference in Green Bay scheduled for February.  Holman stated they will need to be notified by the next meeting if they want to attend.


Holman reviewed the changes to the Commitment to Inspire Sustainability Resolution and requested that the Board members sign the resolution with the recommended changes that were adopted at the October 14th Board meeting.  Holman noted the resolution will be on the December County Board agenda.


Holman updated the Board on the 2014 County budget process.  Holman stated the budget goes to the County Board for approval on November 12.


Holman reviewed the proposed 2015-2017 bond projects.  Holman explained the bond process.  Holman stated that the Solid Waste staff is recommending that a scale for $55,000 be placed in the bond schedule for 2016.  The current scale is 19 plus years old, with a life estimate of 15 years.  The current scale has experienced numerous lightning strikes allowing for extended life due to total replacement of load cells, but scale replacement needs to take place.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Van Dyke to recommend the inclusion of the scale in the 2015-2017 bond package.  Motion carried.


Krogwold reviewed the October 26 medication collection results.  A total of 1,210 pounds of medications were collected from seven sites throughout the county.  Medications collected at the four permanent locations from April through October were included in this number.  Total pounds collected year-to-date was nearly double that of 2012.  Medications were disposed of through the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Take-Back Program.




Krogwold reported on projects recently completed and/or currently working on and meetings attended:


Holman reported the Management Team is working on CIP and how to identify the County Board/Management Team Strategic Plan priority issues.


The next meeting, if needed, would be December 9, 2013.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Van Dyke to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.



                                                                                                Submitted by,




                                                                                                Roger G. Holman
