May 13, 2013

                                                                                                                                    Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


Present:           Don Morgan, Jeff Dyer, Kick Koeppen, Nancy Koeppen, Joe McClone, Maryann Snider, Gene Sorensen, Ken Van Dyke, Fred Zaug, and Joyce Boyer


Also Present:   Roger Holman and Debbie Krogwold


Sorensen gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by Koeppen to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Van Dyke to approve the April 8, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.


Sorensen opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


There was no correspondence for Board action.


Holman reviewed the DNR inspection report of the PTF.  The report was good with the areas of concern being signage and upgrading the burn site.  Holman noted the signage is being taken care of and the burn site issue will be addressed later in the meeting.  Holman stated that Bruneau and the PTF staff should be commended for their excellent operation.


Krogwold handed out and reviewed information on the markets we work with to move the recyclables we collect and process.  Krogwold explained for the most part we are loyal to a good market, but have explored other markets if the relationship has become questionable or other markets provide more revenue and service and has a good track record with other programs.


Discussion followed on where our materials go and where prices for materials are at.


Holman reviewed funding options that may be available to the County to offset the loss of state funding for the recycling program.  Holman state the goal is to recommend funding options that can be implemented in 2014.  Holman asked the Board if they would like a proposal developed for a special assessment.  Discussion followed with McClone recommending that a proposal be developed.  Holman stated they would develop the proposals.


Krogwold reported on upcoming special events, including Good will collections, HHW program, tire round-up and the appliance round-up.


Holman reported that Bruneau was not able to attend the Board meeting as he was covering at the PTF.  Holman reported that the request for bids has been issued for the front end loader, Joe Barden is receiving 40 hours of training for Hazardous Waste Site Worker which provided another HHW staff, Jenna Keith has been offered and accepted the UWSP internship starting on June 4th, 101 non-compliance fees have been handed out this year and they are having problems getting parts for the number one conveyor.


Holman reviewed information on a proposal to replace the front door of the office due to the rusting of the frame.  Holman stated they are replacing the door with a bronze aluminum door to avoid the problem in the future.  The work will be done by Dearco Dist. Inc. for $1,805.00.


Holman stated they are recommending replacing the current magnet system with a towable 84 inch magnetic sweeper.  Holman stated the recommendation is based on allowing the forklift to remain on the PTF premises by using a truck to pull the magnet.  The magnetic sweeper will be more effective, labor time will be cut by 50% on a daily basis and it will reduce funding cost.  Holman stated that after an extensive review of sweepers, they are recommending purchasing a MKS400 Tow-Behind Mechanic Sweep for $4,495.00.  Discussion followed on how the sweeper would be used, the purpose of the sweeper, and all options considered.


Motion by McClone, seconded by Zaug to purchase a MKS4000 Tow-Behind Magnetic Sweep for $4495.00.  Motion carried.


Holman reported that after reviewing the limited use of the burn site and the cost to maintain the site they are recommending closing the burn site and not applying for a license.  Discussion followed on the use of the site and future needs.  Holman stated that if the site is needed in the future, it could be put back in place.


Motion by Van Dyke, seconded by Koeppen to close the burn site.  Motion carried.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on the 2014 budgets, evaluations and security issues.


The next meeting was set for June 10, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.


Motion by Van Dyke, seconded by Zaug to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.



                                                                                                Submitted by,




Roger G. Holman
