August 13, 2012

                        Courthouse, Waupaca

Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.


Present:           Jim Boyer, Don Morgan, Ken Van Dyke, MaryAnn Snider, Fred Zaug, Nancy Koeppen, Gene Sorensen, and Jeff Dyer.


Also present:   Roger Holman and Debbie Krogwold.


Sorensen gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Koeppen, seconded by Zaug to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Boyer, seconded by Koeppen to approve the minutes of June 11, 2012.  Motion carried.


Sorensen opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Holman reported that the Northeast Wisconsin Solid Waste/Recycling Conference is planned for October 10 &11at the Comfort Suites/Waupaca Ale House in Waupaca.


Van Dyke reported that the Study Committee reviewed cost centers, user fees, other funding options, and single-stream options.  Van Dyke stated that recommendations from the Committee will be coming up on the agenda.  Van Dyke stated that the Study Committee discussed the pyrolyis option for handling solid waste.  Van Dyke explained the process.


Holman handed out and reviewed information on the Solid Waste/Recycling cost centers and recommended user fees.  Holman noted that the recycling cost centers demonstrated the problems with cutting back the budget by approximately $90,000.  Holman stated that the Recycling budget and operations were already operating at a base level and the impact of this loss of State revenue is only negative and will lead to loss of programs.  Holman explained the recommended user fees and asked the Board to plan on adoption at their Sept. meeting.


Holman and Krogwold discussed the option of allowing our curbside programs to bid out single-stream collection with the recyclables going to Outagamie County.  Krogwold reviewed the potential loss of revenue and offsetting cost by less processing.  Holman stated that the Study Committee has reviewed this option and is recommending allowing our member municipalities to bid out this option along with bidding out the option of the 3-sort and delivery to our PTF.  Holman stated the municipalities are struggling with budget issues and this may provide them with a more cost-effective curbside option.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by Van Dyke to authorize municipalities to bid out the single-stream/Outagamie County option.  Motion carried.


Holman reviewed the CIP 10-year plan option and the Solid Waste/Recycling projects in the plan.  Holman noted that the plan has to be very fluid to provide for the changing needs of the County.


Holman reviewed the proposed 2013 Solid Waste and Recycling budgets.  Holman noted the biggest change is the shifting of personnel cost to the Solid Waste budget from the Recycling budget.  The shift was based on percentage of time being spent on Solid Waste and Recycling operations.  Holman noted that any budget increases are due to personnel changes such as increase in health insurance and workers compensation.


Sorensen stated that Holman and the Solid Waste staff have put together a good budget.


Motion by Koeppen, seconded by Van Dyke to recommend a Solid Waste/Recycling 2013 budget of $896,406.00 in expenditures and $747,970.00 in revenues and any personnel related adjustments.  Motion carried.


Krogwold handed out the signup sheet for working the Solid Waste/Recycling booth at the fair.


Holman reported that the PTF staff has been very busy in the operation of the PTF and educating the public.  Holman noted that the issues of the access road and tarping/securing loads are still being addressed with mixed results.  Holman stated the road access issue still needs to be addressed and if the Board takes action it will need a change in the County Recycling Ordinance.Holman stated that instead of making one change in the ordinance, he has directed staff to review the ordinance for all needed changes.  Those recommended changes will be brought to the Board at a future meeting.


Krogwold reviewed the current program for handling electronics.  Krogwold stated that we are recommending switching our service provider to SIMS Recycling Solutions.  The switch will result in a small savings.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by Boyer to contract with SIMS Recycling Solutions for one year for the electronics program.  Motion carried.


The next meeting was set for Sept. 10, 3:30 p.m. at the Courthouse.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by Koeppen to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.


Submitted by,




                                                                                                Roger G. Holman
