May 14, 2012

                        Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m...


Present:           Gene Sorensen, Jim Boyer, Joe McClone, Fred Zaug, Jeff Dyer, Nancy Koeppen, Maryann Snider, Ken Van Dyke, and Don Morgan.


Also Present:   Roger Holman, Pat Bruneau, and Debbie Krogwold.


Sorensen gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Zaug, seconded by McClone to approve the agenda with the moving of introductions to after minute approval.  Motion carried.


Motion by Koeppen, seconded by Dyer to approve the April 16, 2012 minutes.  Motion carried.


Introductions of staff and Committee members were made.


There were no meeting or Committee reports.


Sorensen called for nominations for Chair.


Motion by McClone, seconded by Boyer to nominate Sorensen for Chair.


Sorensen called for nominations 3 times.


Motion by Dyer, seconded by Zaug to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Sorensen for Chair.  Motion carried.


Sorensen thanked the Board.


Sorensen called for nominations for Vice-Chair.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by McClone to nominate Morgan for Vice-Chair.


Sorensen called for nominations 3 times.


Motion by Van Dyke, seconded by Zaug to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Morgan for Vice-Chair.  Motion carried.


Morgan thanked the Board.


Sorensen appointed Holman as recording secretary.  Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Koeppen to approve the appointment.  Motion carried.



Holman discussed the need to bring bills to the Board.  Holman was directed to only bring bills when there was a problem.


Holman, Krogwold, and Bruneau provided the Board with an overview of the Solid Waste, Recycling, and Hazardous Waste programs.


Holman discussed the formation of a Study Committee to investigate funding options, program options, and other Solid Waste/Recycling issues.


Sorensen stated that he would like to appoint Van Dyke as Chair of the Committee and serve on it.  Sorensen asked for 2 more Board members.  McClone and Zaug expressed an interest.


Motion by Morgan, seconded by Koeppen to form the Study Committee with Van Dyke as Chair and Sorensen, McClone, and Zaug as members.  Motion carried.


Holman reviewed the process for updating the CIP 10 year plan.  Holman explained that the plan is made up of 3 areas – short term, long term, and life time projects.  Holman stated at this time they are reviewing the projects and procedures and updating the plan.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on a visionary process , JDQ’s, updating the CIP plan, developing an evaluation process, and preparing for the 2013 budget process.


Krogwold reported on the results of the April 28th medication collection.  A total of 645 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter were collected at seven locations throughout the County, three of which were permanent drop boxes.  Totals nationwide and statewide were 552,161 pounds and 37,642 pounds, respectively. A fourth permanent drop box should be up and running by the end of May at the Clintonville PD.


Krogwold updated the Board on the Town of Dupont waste sort study; curbside contracts coming up for renewal; Goodwill collection drives in Iola and Clintonville; and information gathering for the study on single stream recycling.


Bruneau updated the Board on activities at the PTF including the hiring of a UW-Stevens Point intern for the summer.


The next meeting was set for June 11 at 3:30 p.m.


Motion by Koeppen, seconded by Van Dyke to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.


Submitted by,




                                                                                                Roger G. Holman
