MINUTES – March 13, 2015


Chr. Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.   Suprs. Johnson, Zaug, Spierings and Boyer present.  Supr. Rohan was excused.   Others present:  Jesse Cuff, Mary Robbins and Leighton Trice.


Review and Approve agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Spierings seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes- February 13, 2015.  Motion:  Supr. Spierings moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to approve the previous minutes.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Comment.  None.


Veterans Mobile Van Parking (moved forward on the agenda)- Veterans Service Officer Jesse Cuff appeared before the committee to request that every other Thursday the Green Bay Vet Center Mobile Outreach vehicle (about the size of an ambulance vehicle) would like to park from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the Northeast parking along Hwy. 54 to serve veterans. 


It was the consensus of the Public Property Committee that they be allowed to park their vehicle in that area every other Thursday.  We will need to let the Sheriff’s Office and Park and Rec. know to leave this available.


Courthouse Parking Lot.  Clerk Robbins reported that Supr. Flease had requested that the Public Property Committee look at adding more handicapped parking spaces and maybe removing the loading zone.  Leighton said that he could use some of the non-lapsing appropriations for the extra handicapped stall and striping and sealcoating, he will make 6 Handicapped accessible stalls and move the loading zone to the East or West whichever works the best.  The signs need to be repainted or replaced.


The committee unanimously agreed that this should be done.


Maintenance Updates – Leighton Trice.


Leighton will be adding a boiler to the Law Enforcement Center using Jail Assessment funds in the amount of $38,354.00.


Direct Digital Controls for Law Enforcement Center will be $22,923.00 to replace, Jail Assessment funds will be used for this project.


The Committee toured the Penthouse (Boiler Room on roof) of the LEC.


Chair Johnson requested that the list of floor concerns be updated as work is completed and that Leighton work with Clerk Robbins to list these concerns.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Spierings seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Mary Robbins

County Clerk



These minutes will be posted to the website prior to approval from the committee and are considered to be in draft form until approved at the next scheduled meeting.