MINUTES – October 10, 2013


Vice Chr. Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.   Chr. Mares-excused, Suprs. Boyer, Johnson, Morgan, and Zaug present. Others present:  Mary Robbins, Clyde Tellock, Ron Hansen, Tom Claussen and Leighton Trice.


Review and Approve agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Review and Approve minutes.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, September 12, 2013.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


No Public Comment.


In-Rem Property. County Treasurer Clyde Tellock.  Clyde explained to the committee that the In-Rem policy creates a small committee that reviews these properties, Ch. 4.02 of the County Code of Ordinances

SECTION I.  The Committee to have charge of the appraisal and sale of In Rem acquired lands of Waupaca County shall consist of the County Clerk, the County Treasurer and the County Board Chair or his/her designee.

Committee received an offer for a lot in Foxfire Subdivision for $5,700.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to reject the bid amount of $5,700 for Lot # 31 from Gloria and Gary Kjer located in Foxfire Subdivision.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Clyde explained process for 2008 properties that are unpaid, you can’t start taking property until 2 yrs have not been paid.  Town of Caledonia has a Subdivision that is going to court.  Clyde is working with the city on two lots.


Vending Machines.  Leighton and Mary explained the problems we continue to have with our current vending company and would like to proceed with other avenues.  Motion:  Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to contact other vendors to see if they are interested in pursuing the vending options.


Maintenance Updates – Leighton Trice.   Leighton informed the committee that Bob Solberg is retiring and his last day will be October 25th.  He invited the committee to stop down for cake in LL42 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., an open house type of informal gathering.  Interviews have been set for tomorrow (Oct. 11) Supr. Johnson has agreed to sit in on the interviews.


a.     Courthouse Roof Repair.  On Friday, Oct. 11th, the rocks from the roof will be removed and installation of roof will take approximately 4 weeks.


b.    Strategic Planning Presentation.  Leighton said that it was a very good process, they all learned something about each other and how to make it work overall.


c.     Elevator contract.   $10,000.00, he has money in the budget and he did call Vice Chr. Johnson to go ahead and redo the elevator doors for $2,000 per door and two of the doors will be paid by Jail Expense, they are elevators in the Corrections area.


d.    2014 Budget.  Leighton at Finance Committee offered to cut the Building Services contract by $30,000 and offer to hire a part-time person under 30 hrs. a week to clean the Sheriff Dept. Administration office area, this is estimated to cost approximately $20,000.00.  This seems to be an all around better solution; they will have control of when and how the cleaning gets completed.



Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Morgan moved and Supr. Boyer seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 a.m.  Meeting is adjourned.


Mary Robbins, County Clerk