MINUTES – March 14, 2013


Vice Chr. Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.   Chr. Mares-excused, Vice Chr. Johnson, Morgan, Boyer and Zaug present.  Others present:  Clyde Tellock, Mike Mazemke, Leighton Trice and Mary Robbins.


Review and Approve agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Boyer seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Review and Approve minutes.  Motion:  Supr. Morgan moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, February 14th.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


DHHS Director Chuck Price – 2nd Floor Lobby.  Clerk Robbins relayed that DHHS Director Chuck wanted the committee to know that they have been working with the UWSP Interior Architecture program and four students took on their second floor lobby as a project.  He would like to bring their design/idea board to a future meeting to show some of the ideas before proceeding.


In-Rem Property:  Treasurer Clyde Tellock updated the committee on the In-Rem properties.  Parcel No. 33-13-74-39, 1007 S. Pearl St. New London.  The City is maintaining this property.  The Treasurer’s Office will send a letter of offer to the surrounding neighbors and all offers will be considered.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to send the letter of offer as stated above. The motion carried without a negative vote.


Foxfire Lots.  Delores Juergens approached the County Clerk that she would be interested in purchasing two of the lots in the Foxfire Subdivision for the price of $25,000.00.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to have the County Clerk contact Ms. Juergens and accept her offer to purchase two lots in Foxfire for $25,000.00 and closing costs.  The motion was carried.


City of Marion – Old Bar property 32-02-31-22, 101 S. Main St. Marion, WI.  Treasurer Tellock indicated that they may have a buyer for this property and for a property located at E9567 County Rd. DD, parcel No. 34-10-01-12-1.  He will update the committee on any progress.


Register of Deeds Michael Mazemke.  Mike explained that they have an old plotter that has been sitting idle for a long time now and would like to offer it for sale or give it to the City of Waupaca.  He will offer it to all department heads first to see if there is a use for this equipment and then offer it to the City of Waupaca and last resort, post it to sell.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to authorize the Register of Deeds to proceed as suggested.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Rails along the wall going to County Board Room.  Leighton will check prices for wooden rails and bring back to the committee and check for funding through ADRC.


Maintenance Updates – Leighton Trice.


Update on the Uninterrupted Power Supply at the jail.  The current system (Liebert Series 300) has become obsolete and they will no longer service it.  He did go to Finance Committee and they approved taking an amount not to exceed $50,000 from the Jail Assessment Fund with Public Property Committee’s approval.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to authorize Leighton Trice to proceed with this project as approved by the Finance Committee.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Verizon is renting space from out tower for strictly data.  Maintenance Dept. did a Strategic Planning session with Mike Koles and he felt that his employees had a positive outlook and that this will help their department.  He will bring back the results to the committee.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Morgan seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m.  Meeting is adjourned.


Mary A. Robbins, County Clerk