MINUTES – January 12, 2012


Chair Lloyd Mares called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.   Chr.  Mares, Suprs. Flink, Boyer, Morgan, and Johnson, all present.  Others present:  Leighton Trice, Mary Robbins, Cindy Anderson, Clyde Tellock, Tim Mansavage from Express Vending and Jon Otto from Fox River Vending.


Review and Approve agenda.  Motion:  Supr. Flink moved and Supr. Mares seconded the motion to approve the revised agenda.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Review and Approve minutes.  Motion:  Supr. Johnson moved and Supr. Boyer seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  The motion carried without a negative vote.


Vending machine RFP discussion – Clerk Robbins.  Our EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Committee has asked if we could have healthier choices in our vending machines.  The EAP committee was informed by an employee from Lakeview Manor that they had a new vendor, Fox River Vending and they have several healthy food options and are very pleased with the new machines.  Tim Mansavage from Express Vending is our current vendor was present and Jon Otto from Fox River Vending was present.  Discussion was held on Healthy snack options for the vending machines requested by the Employee Assistance Program, both vendors said they could provide this service.  Also, Aramark that does the food service for the jail asked if they could provide salads for the courthouse, however, our Public Health Sanitarian said they would need to hold a caterer’s license to bring food over to our building.  They would like to see choices such as salads, yogurts, milk, healthy juices, carrots/celery etc. instead of high calorie chips and candy bars.  Information was distributed to the committee on the products that both companies presented. No motion was made, the committee asked Clerk Robbins and Leighton Trice to put together a RFP for vending machines and have the proposal opening at the next Property Committee meeting if possible.


Information Systems – Cindy Anderson.  Motion:  Supr. Boyer moved and Supr. Johnson seconded the motion to sell the AS400 Tape Drives (3) to Washington County for the amount of $1,000.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Clerk of Courts – Law Library.  Motion:  Supr. Johnson moved and Supr. Flink seconded the motion to authorize Leighton to contact Larry Olson to build a wall in the Law Library to leave the rolling files for Clerk of Courts Terrie Tews for additional storage space, the amount not to exceed $5,000 from the Public Property budget.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Create Task Force on Public Property Policies – Clerk Robbins.  Department Heads felt it would be a good idea to form a Task Force to create policies on all things public property related, from selling of land, equipment, use of cell phones, vehicles anything County owned, this would include the meeting room policies, changes to offices etc.  There are so many little policies that have been created over time, but not being in an ordinance are scattered, we would like to have them all encompassed under one policy so that it will help Maintenance and all employees know the rules.  County Clerk, Highway Commissioner, Finance Director, Maintenance Supervisor, Lakeview Manor Administrator, a representative from DHHS, ERM Director and Sheriff will serve on this task force, once we compile a policy it will be brought to this committee for approval and to the full county board for approval.


Tax Deed Property Issues.  Clyde explained that the home on Amy Street in the Town of Farmington and the mobile home on Ginger St. in the City of Clintonville have been winterized and ready for sale.   They are now working on starting the process over, they will have approximately 72 owners now that are up for foreclosure but by late summer that number may decrease.  They will have the bid opening the same day as the Public Property committee meeting when we get that far.


Maintenance Updates – Leighton Trice.  Telephone long distance contract through Dave Hinkens, after reviewing the County’s options he felt it would be best to stay with our current provider.


They are working on the Third Floor for the VAV Controllers that fall under the CIP Project.  Humidifier at the Law Enforcement Center split and was replaced and just after that the humidifier at the courthouse ceased to work.  Approximately $2,500 to fix the crack, they have to actually make the part for the humidifier; they are not kept in stock.


Leighton mentioned that Andy Carlin, EM Director has funding to put antennas in the basement to get better cellphone reception and they would like to place them in the County Board room, this would be about $4,000.


Clerk Robbins asked about putting baby changing stations in the first floor and lower level bathrooms.  Leighton did mention they do have them on 2nd floor.  The committee asked that Leighton get a price on installing them in all of the main bathrooms.                


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Flink moved and Supr. Boyer seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 a.m.  Meeting is adjourned.


Mary Robbins, County Clerk