Chm. Penney called the meeting to order at: 1:00 p.m. with the following members present:  J. Penney, T. Murphy, W. Wilfuer and D. Federwitz, present.  D. Kussmann, excused.


W. Wilfuer moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was carried.


D. Federwitz moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2014 meeting.  The motion was carried.


Public Comment: There was none.





The continuation public hearing was called to order at 1:06 p.m. by Chm. Penney.  Roll call was taken with the following members present:  J. Penney, T. Murphy, W. Wilfuer and D. Federwitz.  D. Kussmann, excused.  Deb Giuffre read the names of persons notified of the hearing for Gary K. & Loretta M. Roehrborn:  Located in part of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Sec. 22, Town of Caledonia, lying at the end of Pine Valley Lane, Fire Number E8654, Waupaca County, Wisconsin; for a Petition for Zoning Map Amendment from an RR (Rural Residential) District to an AWT (Agriculture and Woodland Transition) District to accommodate a sale/exchange between two adjoining parcels making them both the same zoning district on approximately 8 acres.  D. Federwitz read the general procedure and Chm. Penney declared it a legal hearing.


Mike Haynes was sworn in to testify.  Mr. Haynes said he is the agent and surveyor for the proposed Petition for Zoning Map Amendment.  Mr. Haynes said the property owners would like to purchase a portion of the adjoining property which requires a Petition for Zoning Map Amendment to rezone their current property from RR (Rural Residential) to AWT (Agriculture and Woodland Transition) District to make the property zoned the same and remain consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in favor to the application.  There was none


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in opposition to the application. There was none.


Deb Giuffre read one (1) letter from the Town of Caledonia recommending approval of the application.


Jean Gliniecki, Zoning Administrator, gave a summary of the Petition for Zoning Map Amendment application request and recommended approval.


D. Kussmann appeared at 1:12 p.m.


D. Federwitz moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to GRANT the application for Petition for Zoning Map Amendment due to the following:  The Town of Caledonia Planning Commission and the Town Board of Caledonia have both recommended approval of this request and it is consistent with the WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 18, 2014


Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Roll call vote was taken:  J. Penney—yes; D. Kussmann—abstained; W. Wilfuer—yes; D. Federwitz—yes and T. Murphy—yes, 4 to 0 vote to grant the zone change.  T. Murphy moved and W. Wilfuer seconded the motion to close the hearing at 1:14 p.m.  The motion was carried.





The Committee met with the Campground owners concerning ordinance compliance.  Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, informed the Campground owners that the Planning & Zoning Office would allow for the existing decks and sheds to remain and be grandfathered in.  Any new decks or sheds from this date forward would be required to obtain a Land Use Permit and meet all the requirements of the Waupaca County Zoning Ordinance and they may also require a Building Permit from the local Building Inspector.  But any existing structures that are in violation of the Waupaca County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance and/or the Waupaca County Floodplain Ordinance will need to be brought into compliance in accordance with the four (4) year compliance schedule. 




D. Federwitz moved and D. Kussmann seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:15 p.m.  The motion was carried.


The Committee adjourned.




Debra L. Giuffre

Recording Secretary


cc: County Clerk