ON-SITE INSPECTIONS:  The Committee made on-site inspections starting at 8:15 a.m. on the Wayne L. Bamke property, Town of Wyoming; the Christopher & Therese Gilling property, Town of Little Wolf and the Jay D. Romani property, Town of Mukwa.                                  


Chm. Penney called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. with the following members present:  J. Penney, D. Kussmann, T. Murphy, R. Ellis and D. Federwitz, all present.


R. Ellis moved and D. Federwitz seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion was carried.


R. Ellis moved and D. Federwitz seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the December 12, 2013 meeting.  The motion was carried.


Public Comment: In reference to the Campground Ordinance, public comment will be taken at the time of the Campground Ordinance review which will be held after the scheduled public hearings.




The first public hearing was called to order at 10:17 a.m. by Chm. Penney.  Roll call was taken with the following members present:  J. Penney, D. Kussmann, T. Murphy, R. Ellis and D. Federwitz, all present.  Deb Giuffre read the names of persons notified of the hearing for Wayne L. Bamke:  Located in Sec. 16, Town of Wyoming, lying along County Highway J, Fire Number N11279, Waupaca County, Wisconsin; for a Conditional Use Permit application for the placement of two (2) recreational vehicles intended for temporary living purposes in excess of thirty (30) days (campground) in an PVRF (Private Recreation and Forestry) District on approximately 19.61 acres.   The Committee, Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, and Jean Gliniecki, Zoning Administrator, made an on-site inspection of the property.  Vice-Chm. Kussmann read the general procedure and Chm. Penney declared it a legal hearing.


Wayne Bamke was sworn in to testify.  Mr. Bamke said he placed two (2) recreational vehicles on the property and uses the property for hunting and summer recreation.  Mr. Bamke said he was unaware that he needed a permit.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in favor to the application.  There was none


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in opposition to the application. There was none.


Deb Giuffre read four (4) letters, two (2) from the Town of Wyoming, Town Recommendation form and Board meeting, recommending approval of the application with conditions, one (1) from the County Highway Department with comments regarding access and one (1) from an adjoining property owner recommending approval of the application.


D. Kussmann moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to GRANT the application for the                       Conditional Use Permit.  The Town Board of Wyoming recommended approval of this permit and it is consistent with the Town Comprehensive Plan.  The following conditions must be met:  The applicant is limited to a maximum of two (2) recreational vehicles to be parked on the property in excess

of thirty (30) calendar days.  The applicant must have a County approved sanitary system on the property.   Roll call vote was taken:  J. Penney—yes; D. Kussmann—yes; R. Ellis—yes; D. Federwitz—yes and T.


March 6, 2014


Murphy—yes, unanimous vote to grant the permit.  D. Kussmann moved and R. Ellis seconded the motion to close the hearing at 10:36 a.m.  The motion was carried.




The second public hearing was called to order at 10:37 a.m. by Chm. Penney.  Roll call was taken with the following members present:  J. Penney, D. Kussmann, T. Murphy, R. Ellis and D. Federwitz, all present.  Deb Giuffre read the names of persons notified of the hearing for Christopher & Therese Gilling:  Located in Sec. 5, Town of Little Wolf, lying along Flater Road, Fire Number N7130, Waupaca County, Wisconsin; for a Conditional Use Permit application to exceed the allowable number of animal units in an AE (Agriculture Enterprise) District on approximately 10 acres.  The Committee, Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, and Jean Gliniecki, Zoning Administrator, made an on-site inspection of the property.  Vice-Chm. Kussmann read the general procedure and Chm. Penney declared it a legal hearing.


Corrie Shaddick was sworn in to testify.  Ms. Shaddick said she is the agent requesting the Conditional Use Permit.  Ms. Shaddick said she rescues and rehabilitates horses and would like to exceed the allowable number of animal units.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in favor to the application. There was none.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in opposition to the application. There was none.


Deb Giuffre read two (2) letters, one (1) from the Town of Little Wolf recommending denial of the application and one (1) from the property owner recommending approval of the application.


Jackie Beyer was sworn in to testify.  Ms. Beyer said she is the Clerk for the Town of Little Wolf and explained the Town of Little Wolf’s stance on the recommendation for denial and that the condition of the owner maintaining animals being fenced had not been met.


Corrie Shaddick came back for rebuttal.  Ms. Shaddick explained that the conditions set by the Town of Little Wolf have been met by securing the fencing and that due to the weather the neighboring property damage will be repaired in the spring.


R. Ellis moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to DENY the application for the Conditional Use Permit to support the Town of Little Wolf’s recommendation.  After much discussion by the Committee, R. Ellis moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to WITHDRAW the motion to deny the permit.  The motion was carried.


R. Ellis moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to CONTINUE the application for the Conditional Use Permit. The Committee would like the applicant to meet with the Town of Little Wolf to possibly come up with an agreement on this request. This public hearing will come back to the Planning and Zoning Committee at their first meeting in June, 2014 so that the Committee can make a final decision on this request.  Roll call vote was taken:  J. Penney—yes; D. Kussmann—yes; R. Ellis—yes; D. Federwitz—yes and T. Murphy—yes, unanimous vote to continue the permit.  The motion was carried at 11:06 a.m. 




March 6, 2014


The third public hearing was called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Chm. Penney.  Roll call was taken with the following members present:  J. Penney, D. Kussmann, T. Murphy, R. Ellis and D. Federwitz, all present.  Deb Giuffre read the names of persons notified of the hearing for Jay D. Romani:  Located in Sec. 10,

Town of Mukwa, lying along Driftwood Road, Fire Number N4405, Waupaca County, Wisconsin; for a Conditional Use Permit application for the placement of a recreational vehicle intended for temporary living purposes in excess of thirty (30) days in an RR (Rural Residential) District and also having floodplain and wetlands on the property.  The Committee, Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, and Jean Gliniecki, Zoning Administrator, made an on-site inspection of the property.  Vice-Chm. Kussmann read the general procedure and Chm. Penney declared it a legal hearing.


Jay Romani was sworn in to testify.  Mr. Romani said he was not aware that he needed a permit to park his recreational vehicle on the property and that he uses the property for summer recreation.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in favor to the application. There was none.


Chm. Penney called three times for any testimony in opposition to the application. There was none.


Deb Giuffre read one (1) letter from the Town of Mukwa recommending approval of the application.


D. Kussmann moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to GRANT the application for the Conditional Use Permit.  The Town Board of Mukwa recommended approval of this permit and it is consistent with the Town Comprehensive Plan.  The following conditions must be met:  The applicant must have a County approved sanitary system on the property.  The placement of a camping unit located in the Floodplain District shall not occupy any site for more than 180 consecutive days, at which time the camping unit must be removed from the floodplain for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours.  Roll call vote was taken:  J. Penney—yes; D. Kussmann—yes; R. Ellis—yes; D. Federwitz—yes and T. Murphy—yes, unanimous vote to grant the permit.  D. Kussmann moved and R. Ellis seconded the motion to close the hearing at 11:19 a.m.  The motion was carried.




The fourth continuation public hearing was called to order at 11:20 a.m. by Chm. Penney for Shannon Trepanier-Grove:  Located in Sec. 18, Town of St. Lawrence, lying along County Highway B, Fire Number E2859, Waupaca County, Wisconsin; for the continuation of a Conditional Use Permit application for a Commercial Animal Facility (dog kennel) in an AR (Agriculture Retention) District on approximately 2.3 acres.  Roll call was taken with the following members present:  J. Penney, D. Kussmann, T. Murphy, R. Ellis and D. Federwitz, all present.  Vice-Chm. Kussmann read the general procedure and Chm. Penney declared it a legal hearing.


Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, said he received a phone call from Robert Forseth, agent for Shannon Trepanier-Grove requesting a one (1) month extension.


D. Kussmann moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to CONTINUE the application for the                      Conditional Use Permit.  The applicant’s attorney requested another extension in order to meet with the Town of St. Lawrence.  The Committee will continue this public hearing at their next regularly

scheduled meeting in April, 2014, in which the date is yet to be determined.  Roll call vote was taken:  J.



March 6, 2014


Penney—yes; D. Kussmann—yes; R. Ellis—yes; D. Federwitz—yes and T. Murphy—yes, unanimous

vote to continue the permit.  The motion was carried at 11:22 a.m.





Ø  Campground Ordinance; Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, gave an overview of the implementation and enforcement of the Campground Ordinance.  Jeff Anderson, Tourism Director of the Waupaca Chamber of Commerce, spoke on promoting tourism, economy, and the impact of the Waupaca County Campground Ordinance being more restrictive then neighboring Counties.   Bill Pimpo, Business Director of Spencer Lake Christian Center, spoke on the campground meeting process and the development of the Campground Ordinance.  Robert Caryl, owner of Red Banks Resort, commented on existing permitted decks, campground meeting schedule and site surveys.  Bud Stier, Board of Directors member for the Wisconsin Association of Campground Owners (WACO), and the National Campground Owners, spoke on the State of Wisconsin’s Campground regulations and requirements.

Ø  Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, and Jean Gliniecki, Zoning Administrator, discussed the proposed selected revisions to the Waupaca County Zoning Ordinance, Waupaca County Subdivision Ordinance, Waupaca County Floodplain Ordinance & Waupaca County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.

Ø  The Planning & Zoning Committee reviewed a correction on the June 6, 2013 Waupaca County Planning & Zoning Committee minutes.  D. Federwitz moved and T. Murphy seconded the motion to correct the June 6, 2013 minutes as per the transcript.  The motion was carried.


UPDATE:  Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, updated the Planning & Zoning Committee on the intern position.




D. Federwitz moved and R. Ellis seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:44 p.m.  The motion was carried. 


The Committee adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,



Robert Ellis, Secretary

Waupaca County Planning & Zoning Committee


cc: County Clerk
