July 15, 2013

Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair McClone called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Present:           Joe McClone, Lee Much, Don Peterson, Dona Gabert, and Gene Sorensen.


Also Present:   Jack Berry, Bob Cloud, Darrin Mann, Ann Casamassa, Kristy Harris, Stefan Stults, Bob Ellis, John Hebring, Chris & Linda Klein, Rob Richardson, Bryan Herro, Stephanie Schmidt, Whitney Golding, Steve & Carolyn Danielson, Charles & Juel Krueger, Tom Miller, Gary & Jacki Griswold, Pat Durkin, Jeff Siewert, Roger Holman, and John Francis.


McClone gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Peterson, seconded by Much to approve the minutes of June 4, 2013.  Motion carried.


There was no correspondence for Committee action.


McClone opened the meeting for public comment.


Rob Richardson, Stephanie Schmidt, Whitney Golding, Chuck Krueger, Juel Krueger, and Chris Klein spoke in favor of replacing the Little Hope Dam.  Bryan Herro spoke about his concern over the sludge that has gone down stream after the draw down.  Tom Miller spoke in favor of removing the dam.


McClone thanked everyone for their input.


Holman stated that due to recent Town of Dayton action putting up No Parking signs throughout Dayton, there is no reasonable parking available at Dake Lake.  Holman stated the Park staff has received numerous complaints about the lack of parking and Klein has agreed to discuss the issue with the Committee.


Klein stated the signs were put up to address safety issues and he is willing to work with the County to address the Dake Lake parking issue.


Discussion followed on the impacts of No Parking, possible options, and what actions could be taken.


McClone thanked Klein and stated he felt a solution could be found.


Holman reviewed the draft report for the Crystal River/Little Hope Dam.  Holman asked the Committee for any corrections or changes to the report.  There was none.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Peterson to release the report.  Motion carried.


Holman noted that a public input meeting to be facilitated by Mike Koles has been set for Aug. 5, 7:00 p.m. at the Courthouse.  Holman explained this is not a hearing but a chance for the Committee to receive further public input on the Crystal River/Little Hope Dam project.


The Committee will also meet on August 6 at 8:30 a.m. for their regular meeting and on August 19 at 1:00 p.m. to decide on the Crystal River/Little Hope Dam.


The Committee took a 5 minute break.


McClone called the meeting back to order. 


Holman was directed to send a letter to Chris Klein from the Committee expressing their willingness to address the Dake Lake parking issue.


Holman updated the Committee on the following Parks projects:


Pauer’s roof which should replaced by the end of the summer using non-lapsing funds; Camp Vic-To-Rae steps down to the river and new restrooms at Vic-To-Rae and Kellers all scheduled for this fall; Graham Lake boat launch upgrade, Symco accessible path to the river - we are currently working with an archeologist to get a permit through the DNR; new truck and mower this fall; Tomorrow River State Trail horse trail development (on hold) and invasive plant project which we are currently working with several county groups to do a unified approach to the problems; Marion Wayside restroom removal (no funding available yet); Big Falls Park - the Village has decided not to turn over to the County so we will be repairing the dock and call it good; and the Radley Creek snowmobile bridge is done.


Holman also updated the Committee on the following Fairgrounds projects:


            Commercial restroom roof repairs; Grandstand concrete repairs hopefully this fall; Youth building accessible sinks to be installed by staff as time permits; tree planting program, Rabbit barn lighting upgrade (no funding available yet); Grandstands Pavilion - the first planning meeting was held in June, had lots of good input and will have another meeting when some rough layout ideas are complete; Track work – Fire on Ice group will be contacting Faulks to raise up the western turn in the fall after the fair is over; and getting the grounds ready for the Fair which is August 21-25.


Holman reported that the 2014 budget is going to be really tough to prepare with big impacts by higher health insurance and a very small increase in the allowable tax.  Holman stated his goal is to have the budget ready for review by the Committee on August 6.


The next meeting was set for August 5, 7:00 p.m. at the Courthouse.


Motion by Gabert, seconded by Peterson to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


Submitted by,




Roger G. Holman,
