April 3, 2013

Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair McClone called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Present:           Joe McClone, Lee Much, Don Peterson, Dona Gabert, and Gene Sorensen.


Also Present:   Roger Holman, John Francis and Corey Schuelke.


McClone gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Peterson, seconded by Much to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Peterson to approve the minutes of March 6, 2013.  Motion carried.


There was no correspondence for Committee action.


McClone opened the meeting for public comment.


Corey Schuelke from UWEX Leadership Waupaca informed the Committee that his group has elected to report on the Crystal River/Little Hope Dam project.  Schuelke explained that this project provides an opportunity to explore leadership challenges.  The group is putting together a report that will examine the history of the dam, environmental issues, social and economic issues, and options for replacement or removal.  Schuelke reviewed the survey the group is completing regarding the public opinion about the dam.  Schuelke invited the Committee to attend his group’s leadership presentation on May 9.  Discussion followed on the survey and the leadership program.


McClone thanked Schuelke for his update.


Holman and Francis reviewed the CIP proposed projects.  The projects cover a ten year span and include short term, long term, and lifetime projects.  Discussion followed on the projects, the CIP process, and the lack of funds needed to fund the project.


McClone stated that at a future meeting he would like to invite the Park staff to come to a Committee meeting and discuss funding options.


Francis stated that he is interested in putting together an Ad Hoc Committee to help design the proposed Grandstand Pavilion project.  The people who would serve on the Committee would include potential users, Fair Board, and a Park Committee member.


Much indicated he would be interested in serving as the Park Committee member.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Gabert to form an Ad Hoc Fairgrounds Grandstand Pavilion Planning Committee with Much as the Park Committee representative.  Motion carried.


Francis updated the Committee on the Blake Creek project.  The project has received approval for engineering and is slated to be completed this spring.


Francis updated the Committee on spring activities and Gills and Shaws Landings, snowmobile/ATV trail work, fairgrounds events, and park staff work.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on the 2017 budget, evaluation system, and finishing up the Highway and Maintenance planning.  The Team has also put together a Task Force to work on security.


The next meeting was set for May 7 at 8:30 a.m.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Much to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.


Submitted by,




Roger G. Holman,
