August 7, 2012

Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair McClone called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Present:           Martin Mares, Joe McClone, Lee Much, Don Peterson, and Gene Sorensen.


Also Present:   Roger Holman and John Francis.


McClone gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Much, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Mares, seconded by Sorensen to approve the minutes of June 28, 2012.  Motion carried.


There was no correspondence for Committee action.


McClone opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Holman presented background information on the CIP program and process.  Holman reviewed the projects that the Parks Dept. has in the 10-year plan.  Discussion occurred on developing a plan for providing opportunity for campgrounds in the County.


Holman reviewed the proposed 2013 budgets for Parks, Fairgrounds, and Snowmobile.


Motion by Sorensen, seconded by Peterson to recommend the Parks, Fairgrounds, and Snowmobile 2013 budget of $505,288 expenditures and $175,525 revenue with personnel services adjustments.  Motion carried.


Holman reported there has been no activity regarding the County Forest property purchase.


Holman & Francis updated the Committee on projects including the new fence and gate and ticket booths at the Fairgrounds.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on evaluations and 2013 budget.


Francis reported that the Park Staff has been busy getting the Fairgrounds in shape and keeping the parks user friendly.


The next meeting was set for Sept. 4 at 8:30 a.m.


Motion by Peterson, seconded by Sorensen to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.


Submitted by,


Roger G. Holman,
