DATE:                                         TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014

PLACE:                                       ROOM 1068, COURTHOUSE

                                                      811 HARDING ST., WAUPACA, WI

TIME:                                          2:00 P.M.







1.                  Call Meeting To Order


Chair Dennis Kussmann called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.


2.                  Roll Call


Non-Metallic Mining Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Members Present:  Dave Heideman (Town of Union Planning Commission), Marv Schneider (Town of Caledonia Planning Commission), Lisa Coombs (Waupaca County Highway Department), Scott Konkle (Reclamation Specialist with East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission), Adam Tegelman (Compliance Officer with MCC, Inc), Dennis Kussmann (Planning & Zoning Committee), Terry Murphy (Planning & Zoning Committee) and Ryan Brown (Planning & Zoning Director).


Non-Metallic Mining Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Members Excused:  none


Staff Present:  Jeff Henneman (Land Use/Code Enforcement Specialist), Jason Snyder (Deputy Zoning Administrator) and Jean Gliniecki (Zoning Administrator).


3.                  Chair Dennis Kussmann read the Open Meeting Statement, “This meeting and all other meetings of this committee are open to the public.  Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.”


4.                  Approve Agenda As Presented


Marv Schneider moved and Lisa Coombs seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried.


5.                  Approve and Sign Minutes from the January 8, 2014 Meeting


Dave Heideman moved and Adam Tegelman seconded the motion to approve the minutes.  The motion was carried.


6.                  Discussion on Map Showing Potential NM-Mining Deposits – Scott Konkle


Scott Konkle gave a brief presentation on a map showing where areas are located that have the potential for future NM-mining. General questions followed including a discussion on what economic environment would be necessary to make the deposits a mining reality.  


7.                  Discussion on which Ordinance to use as a Base for Waupaca’s New Ordinance


Discussion was centered on whether we should start with a lengthy ordinance and subtract from it or a shorter ordinance to add to.  There was some concern over whether we would miss something if we didn’t start from an ordinance that was drafted from western Wisconsin. Scott Konkle mentioned that the original proposed ordinance from Ryan Brown was based on Calumet County’s ordinance because their ordinance was determined to be most complete in a study conducted by CLUE (Center for Land Use Education) out of UW-Stevens Point.  Scott passed out a copy of the original proposed ordinance with some suggested additions and deletions.  The decision was made to take Scott’s suggested ordinance and look it over and compare it to other examples and make a final decision at the next meeting.


8.                  Discussion on Creation of a Vision\Mission Statement


Scott Konkle led a discussion on including the Vision Statement that was created during the regional planning exercise East Central Regional Planning Commission conducted. It was decided that the committee would like time to go over it and discuss it at the next meeting. 


9.                  Discussion on Draft NM-Mining Ordinance for Waupaca County


It was decided by the committee to hold off on starting this discussion until the next meeting due to time constraints.  The next meeting date is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 1068, Waupaca County Courthouse.


10.              Adjourn


Terry Murphy moved and Adam Tegelman seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:58 p.m.  The motion was carried.