August 27, 2014

                                                                                                                                    South Park, Waupaca


Chair Phair called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


Present:             Pat Phair, Dan Sambs, Clyde Tellock, Robert Besaw, Ben Durfee, Linda Kassera, Joe McClone, and Al Wichman (Jim Hlaban, Larry Dieck, Mike Mazemke, and Jay Sturm were absent)


Also Present:     Roger Holman, Aaron Jensen, Rob Durfee and Darrin Mann


Motion by Tellock, seconded by Besaw to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Sambs, seconded by Kassera to approve the April 23, 2014 minutes.  Motion carried.


There was no correspondence.


Tellock reviewed the Treasurer’s report.


Motion by Kassera, seconded by Durfee to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:


Finance – none


Projects – none


Public Relations – Holman reviewed the new brochure.  Phair requested that at the next meeting each member bring a list of organizations or people to send the brochure to.


Darrin Mann provided background information on the Cronies Trail Crew Waupaca Winter Recreational Trail.  Mann reported the fundraising is going very well and an agreement with the Waupaca School District for use of the High School property is close to completion. Mann noted the Wisconsin Veterans Home has been very supportive of the project.


Aaron Jensen thanked the Committee for their support.  Jensen discussed the South Park Project, reviewing the phases and what the future plans are.  Jensen stated that the plan at this time is to plant trees for the supporters of the South Park project, including the NRF.


The members of the Foundation completed a tour of the Waupaca South Park and went to the Waupaca High School for a tour of the Waupaca Winter Recreational Trail and the Waupaca Community Garden.


Phair explained the Community Gardens purpose, how it operates, how the food is distributed to 14 sites and how the garden is funded.


The annual meeting was set for October 29, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.


Motion by Sambs, seconded by Wichmann to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.


                                                                                                Submitted by,



                                                                                                Roger G. Holman

                                                                                                Recording Secretary