May 23, 2012

Waupaca County Courthouse


President Phair called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.


Present:         Pat Phair, Linda Kassera, Jay Sturm, Joe McClone, Clyde Tellock, Russ Montgomery, Ben Durfee, and Roger Holman.


Motion by Kassera, seconded by Tellock to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Sturm, seconded by Tellock to approve the minutes of February 29, 2012.  Motion carried.


Tellock shared a letter from the Waupaca High School Green Team inviting the Foundation to a dedication ceremony for the solar panels installed at the Waupaca High School.  Phair updated the group on the Green Team activities including paper recycling and planning for composting the school districts kitchen waste.


Tellock handed out and reviewed the Treasurer’s report.


Motion by Durfee, seconded by Kassera to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:

Sturm, Phair, and Durfee discussed the Fox Valley Foundation, insurance for the Foundation, and the fiscal sponsorship form.  Holman was requested to update all sponsorship agreements.


Discussion occurred on addressing groups that have zero funds in their accounts.


Montgomery updated the group on the formation of the Waupaca Parks Friends Group.  Montgomery stated that the River Ridge group plans to become a part of their group.  Discussion followed on the reasons for the friends group to enter into a fiscal agreement with the Foundation, including the 501(3)(c) status and being able to apply for grants that aren’t available to the City of Waupaca.


Motion by Durfee, seconded by Kassera to enter into a fiscal agreement with the Waupaca Parks Friends group.  Motion carried with Sturm abstaining.


Sturm explained he abstained because he had missed the meeting when Montgomery presented a full report on the Friends Group.


Holman reported that the scarifier and trailer has been purchased, the Weyauwega Lake drain down is moving along, and the River Ridge is carrying out a 2012 fund raiser.


The next meeting was set for Aug. 29, 3:30, location to be determined.


Motion by Sturm, seconded by Durfee to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Submitted by,


Roger G. Holman (Acting Secretary)