NOVEMBER 17, 2014



Chair Jamie Hein called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm

Present: Committee Members: Patricia Craig, Joseph McClone, Peg Burington and Jamie Hein Also present: Walter Burkhalter, OWLS Executive Director

Jamie Hein read the Open Meeting Statement

Patricia Craig moved to accept the Agenda. 2.) Joseph McClone     All in favor

Joseph McClone moved to approve the minutes from the meeting held on October 30, 2014 2) Pat Craig  All in favor

There was general discussion about the revisions of the made to the 2015-2019 Waupaca County Library

Service Plan. Pat Craig questioned the 2016 date on Goal C, Objective 1 of the Service Plan: The OWLS Board shall annually review this plan and shall forward to the County Board any recommended revisions.  (2016-2019). Walter Burkhalter explained that because the Plan would be adopted for 2015 and there would be no need for review in 2015.


The Committee discussed intersystem service inequities. This issue will be addressed with Goal A, Objective 5: OWLS shall continue working with neighboring systems and counties to resolve intersystem service inequities so that Waupaca County libraries are compensated adequately for providing services to residents of other systems.

Pat Craig asked what the next steps would be after this meeting. Walter Burkhalter said there would be a public hearing and the Plan would go before the County Board of Supervisors for adoption. Pat Craig said the next meeting was to be held at Lakeview Manor and the conditions are not favorable for a public hearing. Joseph Mc Clone said that the County Board meets on the third Tuesday in January and that is when they will probably present the Plan.

Joseph McClone moved to approve the 2015-2019 Library Service Plan 2.)Patricia Craig    All were in favor

The Committee decided that they did not need to meet again.

Pat Craig moved to adjourn at 2:16 pm 2.)Joseph McClone   All in favor