Waupaca County

Legislative, Judicial, Ethics, Safety & Security Committee

May 8, 2013


Chr. Kussmann called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call:  Dennis Kussmann, Mary Kay Poehlman-excused, Dave Neumann, Dona Gabert and Terry Murphy.  A quorum was established.  Others present:  Clerk of Courts Terrie Tews-Liebe, Corporation Counsel Jeff Siewert, and County Clerk/Admin. Coordinator Mary Robbins.


Agenda:    Motion:  Supr. Murphy and Supr. Gabert seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of previous meeting – March 20, 2013.  Motion:  Supr. Gabert moved and Supr. Poehlman seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Public Comment – No comments


Clerk of Courts Terrie Tews-Liebe.  Terrie reported that she has completed the training for her Deputy, so she will have more time to devout to other projects.  The Law Library has been converted to storage space for her office records.  It saves having to redo the basement area.  She gave a history of the storage challenges they face in Clerk of Circuit Courts.  The Law Library does have online services available for the Attorney’s.  She will be starting her employee evaluations May 21st.  She spoke about training that her deputies attended from the Dane County Police, they said it was excellent and she will be taking Mary along to a similar training at the end of June.  There will be a 30% decrease in revenue from the state to court services; she said this will affect the judicial budget more than her department.


Corporation Counsel Jeff Siewert.  Monthly report was distributed to all committee members. 

Jeff reported that he has 6 out of 9 employees done for the performance evaluations.

The committee asked Jeff to check to see if ex-law enforcement officer could be used to security purposes.


No Judicial or District Attorney Report.


Security Issues.  Security has been going well.  Mary mentioned that the department heads have formed a committee called “Exceptional Services Committee” to see if we could talk about ways to improve the image of the county at the front door, maybe other security measures than the scanning procedure. 


Resolutions, Ordinances or Correspondence


Clerk/Coordinator Robbins requested the committee for future agendas to revisit the entire chapter 1 and chapter 2 of the County Code of Ordinances to update any and all sections and to request that descriptions of standing committee duties be placed in the Code.  We could do this section by section.  Chair Kussmann agreed this would be a good idea to have this done prior to the organizational meeting in April of 2014.  As we do the Sections of the Code we would invite that particular department head and/or committee.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Murphy moved and Supr. Gabert seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:20 p.m.  Chr. Kussmann declared the meeting adjourned.


Mary Robbins

County Clerk