Waupaca County

Legislative, Judicial, Ethics, Safety & Security Committee

January 16, 2013


Chr. Kussmann called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call:  Dennis Kussmann, Mary Kay Poehlman, Dave Neumann, Dona Gabert and Terry Murphy.  A quorum was established.  Others present:  Corporation Counsel Jeff Siewert, Emergency Management Director Andy Carlin and County Clerk/Admin. Coordinator Mary Robbins.


Agenda:    Motion:  Supr. Neumann and Supr. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of previous meeting, September 19, 2012.  Motion:  Supr. Poehlman moved and Supr. Neumann seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Corporation Counsel Jeff Siewert.  Chair Koeppen said that he asked Corporation Counsel to discuss Rules/Duties of this committee.  Add to Rule No. 5 of the County Board Rules Ch. 2; “Committee of Jurisdiction sends resolutions to Legislative, Judicial, Ethics, Security & Safety Committee all resolutions for review for recommendation and clarification and they will send them on to County Board.  Add to duties 2(c) of this committee.  Clerk/Admin. Coordinator brought up time constraints for resolutions to be acted on if they have to wait for committee approval from both committees and county board, we may need to define which resolutions come to this committee if they are policy decisions that the full County Board would make or if they were internal policies.


Change meeting date to the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. every month, in order to have any resolutions placed on the County Board agenda.


Security Issues.  Chair Kussmann feels this committee should revisit the security at the front doors, in light of all the recent shooting incidents. 


Also, Chair Kussmann is concerned with all safety issues within the county buildings, we need to keep on top of this.  Andy Carlin Emergency Government Director was present, we will try to bring the floor directors up to speed on safety issues and bring this back to committee in April to revitalize this program.


Discussion on security data plans and where we are at with the information that was collected.  Clerk to check with IS Department and committee on backup stored offsite for the AS400 System and all other documents.


Chair Kussmann requested to be placed on the Finance & HR Committee agenda for February meeting to discuss money for the security at the door.  The cost of the deputies has increased since we last had security.  Clerk Robbins will check on those details for the Finance Committee, with the Sheriff’s Dept.  Supr. T. Murphy said he would like to attend this meeting also.  At present, there isn’t any funding available for this security.


Corporation Counsel discussed the AG opinion on Physicians Order for Life Sustaining Treatment.  He will bring this back to the committee after the AG’s opinion has been given.


Resolutions, Ordinances or Correspondence.  Committee reviewed several resolutions from Sheboygan County.  Resolution on Election Day Registration was presented.  County Clerk explained that this gives people an opportunity to register in person on Election Day, less voter fraud this way, as they have to show proof of residency.


Motion:  Supr. Poehlman moved and Supr. Gabert seconded the motion to approve for recommendation to the full County Board.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Adjourn.  Motion:  Supr. Neumann moved and Supr. Gabert seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 a.m.  Chr. Kussmann declared the meeting adjourned.


Mary Robbins

County Clerk