Waupaca County Legislative, Judicial, Ethics, Safety & Security Committee

Minutes – February 15, 2012


Chr. Kussmann called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.


Roll call.  Chr. Kussmann, Suprs. Boyer--excused, Allen, T. Murphy, Barrington--excused and M. Mares.  A quorum was established.  Others present:  Jeff Siewert and Mary Robbins-Will.


Agenda.  Supr. Allen moved and Supr. M. Mares seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.


Minutes.  Supr. Allen moved and Supr. T. Murphy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, November 16, 2011.  The motion was carried without a negative vote. 


County Board Rules, Ch. 2 Waupaca County Code of Ordinances.  Chr. Kussmann stated that all standing committee’s should have duties listed for their respective committees.  Clerk Robbins will work on this project.


The committee reviewed Ch. 2. The Governing Body


Ch. 2, Rule No. 1.3 Organization (i) change to read:  After the adoption of the Rules of the Board and other activities as noted in 3.0, the Board may recess the Organization Meeting to the following day or the same afternoon at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board.


Rule No. 3.0 Order of Business, 3.1 – insert:  7. Public Comment (a time limit may be imposed by the chairperson) and then renumber the following existing orders.


Rule No. 12.5 Meal reimbursement to County Board Supervisors/citizen members shall allocate a daily meal allowance equal to $34.00 per day for all out of county meal expenses, receipts must be submitted to the County Clerk’s office with their voucher or the bill will not be paid.  These amounts are taxable unless it is an overnight stay.


Rule 13.1 – delete wording 2. (See Rule No. 1, Section 1.3(b)(13)


Discussion on the subject that a supervisor should be Chair of only one committee excluding County Board Chair and Vice Chair.


MOTION:  Supr. T. Murphy moved and Supr. M. Mares seconded the motion to approve the above listed changes to County Code of Ordinances, Ch. 2.  The motion was carried without a negative vote.




Clerk of Courts – Terrie Tews.  Clerk Tews was unavailable.  Clerk Robbins mentioned that they found a confidential area to be shared with the District Attorney’s office for her files.  They will be using that for now instead of the Law Library.


Corporation Counsel/CSA – Jeff Siewert.  Jeff  said that he is down to one vacancy in Child Support, all seems to be going well.  They will be doing some internal reorganizing.  Everyone received his monthly report. 



Adjourn.  Supr. Allen moved and Supr. M. Mares seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried without a negative vote.  Meeting was declared adjourned at 10:10 a.m.


Mary A. Robbins

County Clerk