12 August, 2014  

            The Waupaca County Law Enforcement Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Jonely. Members present: Supervisors Craig, Johnson, Handrich and Wilfuer.  Others present: Sheriff Hardel, Chief Deputy Kraeger, Captains Rasmussen, Wilz, Conat, and Wogsland. 

Chairman Jonely gave the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this Committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.

            Motion by Supervisor Handrich, seconded by Supervisor Wilfuer to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2014 meeting of the Law Enforcement Committee.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Craig, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the agenda. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Craig, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried without a negative vote. Committee members were shown the new rifle.  Josh DeGrave, and Isabel Flores were introduced as new Corrections Officers by Sgt. Jesse Cuff who announced his leaving the employ of the Sheriff’s Department.

            Cpt. Wilz reported in the Communication Center Gary Heschke is leaving and two new people are onboard.  Two more telecommunicators will be hired on September 1.  A lift for the computer station broke and was fixed with just replacing the parts.

            Cpt. Wogsland reported they are completing background checks on two possible hires and have to complete one more. Sara Besel will be joining the Patrol Division.  They are working on an eligibility list.

            Captain Conat reported the Detective Division is very busy with the hit and run on Collier Road, and Wally World is ongoing.

            Cpt. Rasmussen reported on Patrol division statistics. There were two fatalities this month.  Supervisor Wilfuer moved, Supervisor Johnson second to approve the report.  Motion carried. 

            Sheriff’s Office report was presented by Chief Deputy Kraeger.  Motion to approve the report by Supervisor Johnson, second by Supervisor Handrich.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


            Sheriff Hardel informed the committee that he had travelled to West Virginia to pick up the rifles thus saving money from the shipping charge.  Four Department members including the Sheriff Hardel, Chief Deputy Kraeger, Det. Artz, and Rob Karski will travel to MOCIC in Deadwood next week for a training conference.  There is the K-9 Brat Fry this Friday August 15 and he invited the committee to participate.  

            The 2015 Budget was gone over and it was decided to lower 1062.0 by $40,000 and 1083.0 by $10,000.  Supervisor Johnson moved, Supervisor Handrich second to approve the 0% increase in the 2015 budget as presented today with changes without new positions.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            The Sheriff listed the 5 new positions requested: 2 drug investigators/patrol, 1 patrol, 1 Corrections Sergeant, 1 part time unit clerk, with Supervisor Johnson moving to approve and Supervisor Handrich second.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 

            Supervisor Handrich moved, Supervisor Wilfuer second to adjourn at 11:30 a.m.  Motion carried.


Pat Craig, Secretary