10 June 2014  

            The Waupaca County Law Enforcement Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Jonely. Members present: Supervisors Craig, Johnson, Handrich and Wilfuer.  Others present: Sheriff Hardel, Captains Rasmussen, Wilz, Conat, and Wogsland. 

Chairman Jonely gave the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this Committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.

            Motion by Supervisor Handrich, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2014 meeting of the Law Enforcement Committee.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Craig to approve the agenda. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Handrich to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Captain Wilz reported in the Communication Center one trainee has completed training, one will complete at end of month, and one was released.  A position has been offered to Samantha Gard who will start in September.  With the new computer system, Centrex, the Center will need one new monitor at each station.  They have a local contractor to provide the physical support for the computer to line up with the others.

            Cpt. Wogsland reported the one officer has been let go.  They will be conducting interviews for an eligibility list.  They need two officers.

            Cpt. Conat reported the Detective Division is very busy with two deaths, house fire and drug crimes.   They served two search warrants in the Marion area.

            Cpt. Rasmussen reported on Patrol division statistics.  They used the MRAP for the warrant in Marion.  A new officer will start in September. Supervisor Handrich moved, Supervisor Johnson second to approve the report.  Motion carried. 

            Sheriff’s Office report was presented by Sheriff Hardel. Motion to approve the report by Supervisor Johnson, second by Supervisor Handrich.  Motion carried without a negative vote.  

            Sheriff Hardel informed the committee that several officers will attend a search and rescue training.  He is looking at animal control issues.  Supervisor Craig moved, Supervisor Johnson second to approve a Medical Unit Clerk for 28 hours to help with paperwork in the nurse’s office to be sent to the Human Resources Committee.  Motion carried.

Supervisor Craig moved, Supervisor Handrich second to approve a Dance Hall Permit for Randy Steingraber.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Supervisor Wilfuer moved, Supervisor Handrich second to adjourn at 10:10 a.m.  Motion carried.


Pat Craig, Secretary