8 April 2014  

            The Waupaca County Law Enforcement Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Jonely. Members present: Supervisors Craig, Johnson, and Handrich.  Others present: Sheriff Hardel, Chief Deputy Kraeger, Captains Rasmussen, Wilz, and Wogsland.  Supervisor Aasen was excused.

Chairman Jonely gave the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this Committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.

            Motion by Supervisor Handrich, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2014 meeting of the Law Enforcement Committee.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Craig, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the agenda. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Handrich, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Captain Wilz reported the 1998 maps in the communication center have been updated. They have installed wireless keyboards and mice.   Antrex, the new computer system has started in the communication center.  The New London backup pager system works.  Clintonville’s backup system is being worked on.  The Phone system interface will be completed next week.  Pagers do not work in steel buildings.

            Captain Wogsland reported the kick plates on the doors have been installed; we now have 55 Portage County prisoners; and a mock jail cell for training is being completed in the basement area.

            Sheriff Hardel reported the Detective Division is very busy.  They are tying up loose ends in two burglary rings.

            Cpt. Rasmussen reported on Patrol division statistics.  The State has a new program, MACH, which will use GPS, monitor vehicles, run license plates, etc.  It is mandated by the end of the year.  State Patrol and DNR have paid for it and we are utilizing it.  Superivsor Johnson moved, Supervisor Handrich second to approve the report.  Motion carried. 

            Sheriff’s Office report was presented by Chief Deputy Kraeger.  Motion to approve the report by Supervisor Johnson, second by Supervisor Handrich.  Motion carried without a negative vote.  

            Sheriff Hardel informed the committee Sgt Jamie Klismet has resigned.  Interviews are scheduled for April 18.  VINE the victim witness notification is going to also notify victims of TRO/injunctions.   It is an automatic call, once entered into the system.   Waupaca County is working on the implemation of drug test kits available for parents.  Parents may pick up a kit which will also list resources available to them.  A Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle grant has been worked on for five years by Cameron Durrant.  The Federal Government is offering them and our SWAT team would be able to upgrade their 1988 rusted armored vehicle. Training sessions for the Badger State Sheriffs Association are in the near future.

Supervisor Craig moved, Supervisor Handrich second to adjourn at 10:24 a.m.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Pat Craig, Secretary