11 March 2014  

            The Waupaca County Law Enforcement Committee was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Jonely. Members present: Supervisors Craig, Johnson, and Aasen.  Others present: Sheriff Hardel, Chief Deputy Kraeger, Captains Rasmussen, Wilz, Conat, Wogsland, Lieutenant Russell and Chair Koeppen.  Supervisor Handrich was excused.

Chairman Jonely made the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this Committee are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so that the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting.

Lisa Wheelan introduced Paul Jensen a new Telecommunicator to the Committee.

            Greta Olsen introduced Jessica Schmitz a new Telecommunicator to the Committee.

            Motion by Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Aasen to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2014 meeting of the Law Enforcement Committee.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Craig, seconded by Supervisor Aasen to approve the agenda. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Motion by Supervisor Aasen, seconded by Supervisor Craig to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried without a negative vote.

            Captain Wilz reported three telecommunicators are training with two in Phase 2.  A Spilllman update will be installed tomorrow.  There are issues with older, slow computers in the Communication Center; they are scheduled to be replaced in 2014.  An interface for non- emergency numbers will be installed in two weeks so that all addresses are shown.  There are still three telecommunicators that need to be hired.

            Captain Wogsland reported the new trainee in Corrections is doing well.  He is looking at having aluminum kick plates, and half door protection installed throughout the jail to cover paint wearing and scratching.

            Captain Conat reported the Detective division is finishing up on daytime burglaries that have occurred.  They have executed a search warrant on the Omro motel with results.  Night time burglaries have occurred in Larrabee, an arson fire near Ogdensburg, and drug search warrants are keeping them very busy.

            Cpt. Rasmussen reported on Patrol division statistics.  OWI arrests are a new category in his report. Waupaca County’s SWAT team received a Team of the Year Award.  Superivsor Aasen moved, Supervisor Johnson second to approve the report.  Motion carried. 

            Sheriff’s Office report was presented by Chief Deputy Kraeger.  Motion to approve the report by Supervisor Johnson, second by Supervisor Aasen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.  

            Sheriff Hardel informed the committee he attended a District 6 meeting yesterday and Portage County now has 66 people in our facility.  The snowmobile Patrol has been very active; he is attending the next Snowmobile Association meeting.  The Water Patrol audit showed we received an excellent rating and $75,600. of $75,751 was accepted.   Our Major case investigations are into overtime with $165,000.  Burglaries have been solved; home invasions are increasing; the Wally World investigation involved a lot of overtime; the horse cases are costly.  We are sending 3 officers to Honor Guard training and participating in a 3 day Search and Rescue training conference by the Badger State Sheriffs.

Dance Hall permits approved were:  Silver Lake Lanes, Scandinavia .  Motion by Supervisor Craig, second by Supervisor Johnson to approve and carried without a negative vote.

Supervisor Craig moved, Supervisor Johnson second to adjourn at 10:10 a.m.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Pat Craig, Secretary