Waupaca County Land Information Council

Friday, December 20th, 2013




Location: Courthouse, Room 1068                         


Members present: Terry Murphy, Robert Ellis, Mike Mazemke, Ian Grasshoff, Clyde Tellock, and Joe Glodowski.


Members absent: James Loughrin, Faye Wilson, and Andy Carlin.


Others present:  Eric Halverson


Terry Murphy called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM and read the open meetings statement.


Review and accept Agenda

A motion was made by Ian Grasshoff and seconded by Clyde Tellock to approve the agenda.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve minutes

A motion was made by Clyde Tellock and seconded by Mike Mazemke to approve the previous minutes.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Land Use Project / GIS Intern

Ian Grasshoff shared his intention to hire a GIS intern to assist with updating the county’s existing land use data.  He explained that the land use data had not been updated since about 2004/2005 and that the Ryan Brown, Planning and Zoning Director, had requested the data be updated.  Ian Grasshoff explained that they would like to hire Stefan Stults for the project since he was someone that had previously worked on projects for Land and Water.  Ian Grasshoff stated that Stefan Stults would be hired for a block of 330 hours at the cost of $3,960.  A motion was made by Mike Mazemke and seconded by Robert Ellis to hire Stefan for 330 hours worth of GIS project work at the cost of $3,960.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Demonstrate GIS Applications – UWEX Farm Calls and Zoning Site Inspections

Ian Grasshoff gave a live demonstration of two GIS applications that he developed.  The first application was a mapping site developed for UWEX centered around farmer locations.  The application was created to pull data from an existing UWEX contact database and display it on a map to help facilitate scheduling farm site visits.  The second application that Ian demonstrated was built for the Zoning Department to map properties that require a site inspection. These are properties that were issued a Land Use or Shoreland Permit but have not yet be inspected by staff.  The mapping site was built utilizing data from the Planning and Zoning database system.  The site was primarily built for viewing on a tablet device in the field but it will also work on a standard desktop computer.


T. Larrabee GPS Project Update

Joe Glodowski updated the Land Information Council on the T. Larrabee GPS project.  He stated that the contractor had completed the field work and had submitted all the new tie sheets.  He said he was in the process of reviewing the project deliverables.


T. St. Lawrence Section Corner Issues

Joe Glodowski explained that he was made aware of possible issues with the Government corners around section 22 and 27 in the Town of St. Lawrence.  Joe believes that one of the corners may have been placed in the wrong location.  He explained that he would like to hire a private surveying firm to document and resolve the issue.  A motion was made by Mike Mazemke and seconded by Robert Ellis to hire a private surveying firm to resolve the Government corner issues in section 22 and 27 in the Town of St. Lawrence.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


ROD Update

Mike Mazemke gave a brief update on activities in the Register of Deeds office.  He gave an update on the amount of documents being recorded and on the amount of e-recordings.


Adjournment.  A motion was made by Mike Mazemke and seconded by Ian Grasshoff to adjourn at 10:42 am. Motion carried without a negative vote.


Next meeting date to be determined…