Waupaca County Land Information Council

Friday, February 1, 2013




Members present:  James Loughrin, Terry Murphy, Ian Grasshoff, Clyde Tellock, Joe Glodowski, Mike Mazemke and Andy Carlin.


Members absent:  Faye Wilson, Robert Ellis


Others present:  Jason McKeefry, and Mike Zuege


James Loughrin called the meeting to order at 10:06 AM and read the open meetings statement.


Review and accept Agenda

A motion was made by Clyde Tellock and seconded by Terry Murphy to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Approve minutes

A motion was made by Clyde Tellock and seconded by Joe Glodowski to approve the previous minutes.  Motion carried.


Review RFP for 2013 GPS Control Project

Copies of the 2013 GPS Control RFP document were circulated.  Joe Glodowski, County Surveyor went over the contract details.  He explained the project timeline and the review process.  He explained that proposals would be due by Friday, March 8th 2013.  The submitted proposals will then be opened at the Land Council meeting on Wednesday, March 13th 2013.  There will then be a review period and interviews of three short-listed firms.  On March 27th, 2013 the Land Council will hold a meeting to select a vendor.


Potential Department Projects for 2013.

Ian Grasshoff and Jason McKeefry went over a list of potential department projects for the year of 2013.  Below is a list, in no particular order, of what was briefly covered.   

a. ArcGIS 10.1 upgrade.

b. Develop a way to completely integrate GPS control data into existing GIS parcel data.

c. Improved address data integration between GIS and tax database.

d. Spillman Geobase upgrade from Classic to Sentryx.

e. Improved integration between GIS zoning data and GIS tax parcels.

f. Further streamline rural property address assignment.

g. Investigate implementing Esri’s Local Government data model, how can it improve our workflows?

h. Web mapping sites; possibly begin to migrate from Flex API to JavaScript API.

i. Develop an application for Highway signage plans.

j. Develop well water sampling mapping application for DHHS internal use.

k. Assist Highway with back scanning of original town road laying out orders



Adjournment.  A motion was made by Joe Glodowski and seconded by Andy Carlin to adjourn at 10:45 am. Motion carried.