Waupaca County Land Information Council

                                                                 Thursday August 18, 2011



Members present:  James Loughrin, Robert Ellis, Faye Wilson, Ian Grasshoff, Clyde Tellock, Joe Glodowski, and Mike Mazemke. 


Members absent:  Andy Carlin, Terry Murphy

Others present:  Jason Buck, Dan McFarlane, Trish Nau. 

Meeting called to order at 9:10 AM.


Review and accept Agenda. 

A motion was made by Robert Ellis and seconded by James Loughrin to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Approve minutes. 

A motion was made by Robert Ellis and seconded by James Loughrin to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.


Introduction of new Land and Water GIS Technician

Dan McFarlane was introduced to the council.  Dan informed the council about his past experience and some of the projects he will be working on at the county.  Members of the council introduced themselves to Dan. 


Spillman Geobase Upgrade

Ian Grasshoff stated the Sheriff’s Office is upgrading their entire Spillman records system and that part of this system upgrade includes the Spillman Geobase module.  Ian explained that the upgraded Geobase module is supposed to tie directly in with the county GIS data and that the map data used by dispatch will be automatically updated.  Ian further explained that the current Geobase system does not directly tie into the county GIS and that manual processes need to be run in order to update the map data.  Ian discussed some difficulties encountered in upgrading to the new Geobase module. 


Traffic Accident Hotspot Analysis

Ian Grasshoff discussed a traffic accident hotspot analysis project he has worked on.  Ian stated that GIS tools were used to determine accident hotspot locations.  Ian explained that the analysis relied on accident data recorded by the County Sheriff’s Department from January 2007 to September 2010.  There was a discussion about other uses for this type of analysis. 


Fire Department Response Time Analysis

Ian Grasshoff described a project he was asked to work on comparing fire response times between two fire departments operating in the County.  Ian stated that by using the GIS, and particularly a tool called Network Analyst, he was able to estimate response times for the two fire departments.  Discussion followed regarding the use of this analysis for other fire departments throughout the county.


Review and action on Land Information/GIS budget for 2012. 

A motion was made by Robert Ellis and seconded by Jim Loughrin to approve the Land Information/GIS budget for 2012 and pass it on to finance.  Motion carried.


Review and action on County Surveyor’s budget for 2012. 

A motion was made by Robert Ellis and seconded by Mike Mazemke to approve the County Surveyor’s budget for 2012 and pass it on to finance.  Motion carried.


Adjournment.  A motion was made by Robert Ellis and seconded by Faye Wilson to adjourn at 10:08 am. Motion carried.