February 2, 2015

                                                                                                            Courthouse, Waupaca


Vice Chair Ellis called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.


Present:            Patricia Craig, Bob Ellis, Lee Much, Dick Rohan and Walter Strebe. (DuWayne Federwitz and Don Peterson were excused)


Also Present:    Brian Haase, Roger Holman, Greg Peterson, Dave Heidemann and Lisa Neuenfeldt.


Ellis gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Much, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to approve the January 25, 2015 minutes.  Motion carried.


Ellis opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Heidemann handed out information on the Wisconsin Farm Center. Heidemann explained the services offered by the center. Discussion followed on who would use the services of the center and how the center might assist a farmer.


Heidemann updated the Committee on the Agriculture Risk Coverage/Price Loss Coverage (ARC/PLC) Program. The deadline to re-allocate crop base or to update yield is February 27th, deadline to elect either ARC or PLC is March 31st, and sign-up for the years 2014 and 2015 will take place this summer.


Neuenfeldt reported that the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has a general CSP sign-up running through February 27th (7 applications to date), renewal of 2011 CSP contracts runs until March 30th and NRCS is finishing up processing 2014 CSP payments.  Neuenfeldt reported that the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) is waiting for funding results on the last sign-up which was a joint signup including Winnebago County.  Signup included 14 cropland applications totaling $178,000 with a proposed allocation of $110,000, 13 pasture applications totaling $128,000 with a proposed allocation of $130,000, 10 farmstead totaling 1.1 million with a proposed allocation of $162,000 (9 out of 10 from Waupaca County),and 10 beginning farm applications totaling $326,000 with proposed funds unknown  In the statewide funding pool there was 1 forest land, 5 seasonal high tunnel, 7 conservation activity plans and 2 on-farm energy applications .  Beginning in 2015 EQIP contracts are required to be modified anytime a project gets a year behind.  Neuenfeldt reported that the Pigeon River National Water Quality Initiative sign-up will run until May 15th and the DNR will begin monitoring the watershed this summer.


Rohan and Much reported on the Implements of Husbandry(IOH) meetings they attended. Several meetings were held around the county by UWEX.  The purpose of the meetings were to share how Wisconsin Act 377, which requires farm implements and equipment to obtain permits before operating on roads, will be handled in Waupaca County.   LWCD staff also attended one of those meetings due to the manure related nature of most IOH rules.  Haase and Ellis attended the Stratton Lake District Board’s Organizational Meeting.  Haase and staff will be attending the yearly DNR Confined Animal Feedlot Operation (CAFO) meeting in New London on Feb 5th.

Haase updated the Committee on requiring nutrient management plans on County owned lands that are rented to crop producers.  This would bring county owned land into compliance with DATCP and DNR Administrative Rules that the LWCC is charged with implementing.  Haase stated that land rented around the PTF requires a plan by contract and the renter has been in compliance for many years. The land around Lakeview Manor requires a plan by contract but the renter has never been in compliance.  Haase noted he was not previously aware that it was contractually required.  The County Highway lands/contracts are being investigated. Discussion followed on how to get compliance with it being noted that if the contract for the land states you need a plan and you don’t have one, you would be in breach of contract.  Discussion followed on requiring a nutrient management plan for all farm land rental of County owned land.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to recommend that a NRCS 590 compliant nutrient management plan be required on all County owned farm land rentals to be in compliance with state law. Motion carried.


Haase reviewed the Rain Garden Cost Share Program, explaining how it is funded, the cost share funding of 70% up to $500.00, how the program is offered and the rising cost of installing a rain garden.  Haase presented the average costs for the last 4 years.  The Committee discussed what a rain garden is, the benefits of a rain garden, promotion of the program and adjusting the cost share.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to raise the 70% cost share to up to $600 per rain garden. Motion carried.


Haase handed out a summary of the 2014 Deer Donation Program and explained how the program runs, the purpose of the program and how the program is funded.  Discussion followed on the value of the program and the reason for lower participation rate in recent years.


There were no LWRM/TRM contracts for Committee review & action.


Haase reported that the WI Land+ Water County level and Area level conservation speaking contests will be held in the courthouse Feb. 5th and 17th.  The state competition will be at the WI Land + Water annual conference coming up in March.  Haase has been completing reimbursements from the 2014 DNR and DATCP grant programs.  Haase further explained the water monitoring that DNR has proposed in the Pigeon NWQI Watershed and the possibility that they may also fund some monitoring in the North/South Branches of the Pigeon as well as the Lower Little Wolf Watershed which was one of our former Priority Watershed Projects.


Holman updated the Committee on the work being done by the Revenue Generation and Privatization Study Teams. Holman noted the Management Team is waiting to evaluate the impacts of the Governors State budget proposal.


The next meeting was set for March 5th at 1:00 PM.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to adjourn. Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:55 AM.


Recording Secretary

                                                                                    Submitted by,


                                                                                    Roger G. Holman