July 7, 2014

                                                                                                                        Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:           DuWayne Federwitz, Bob Ellis, Pat Craig, Lee Much, Walter Strebe and Dale Trinrud (Dick Rohan was excused)


Also Present:   Roger Holman, Brian Haase and Lisa Neuenfeldt


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Trinrud to approve the June 2, 2014 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Neuenfeldt updated the Committee on cover crop and fall sign-up by July 11, the renewal of the conservation stewardship program (CSP) for 5 years and current work being done from the sign-up in the Pigeon River watershed.  Neuenfeldt has about 40 CSP contracts to renew.  Neuenfeldt and Haase also discussed the July 1st EQIP Local Area Workgroup meeting for Waupaca and Winnebago Counties.  Federwitz, Ellis and Trinrud also attended.  It was noted that the initial funding allocation is only $400,000 for both counties.  Waupaca has spent more than that alone in EQIP the past several years.


The Committee discussed the request for 2015 funding for reimbursement for attending the annual Conservation Congress Conference.  No action was taken.  Haase was asked to survey the surrounding county’s policy on this matter for next meeting.


Haase reviewed the past 3 years of the seeder rental, staff hours and billing.  Discussion followed on how the seeder is used and Waupaca and surrounding counties involvement.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to limit the use of the seeder to NRCS contracts, prairie plantings, pasture seeding and other similar conservation programs within the existing 30 mile travel radius of Waupaca.  Motion carried.


Haase and Holman updated the Committee on the Nutrient Management position noting that interviews with seven candidates are scheduled for July 10th.


Haase reported that he will submit a RCPP project pre-proposal for additional non-point work in the Pigeon River Watershed upstream from the current Pigeon Lake NWQI project.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis to support applying for a RCPP project.  Motion carried.


Haase read the letter from DATCP to Ryan Brown supporting the first ever proposed use of a zoning Overlay for Farmland Preservation.  Haase and Brown intend to have the final plan approved by County Board in September if everything stays on schedule.


Haase reported that they are moving forward with office renovations for an estimated $5,000.00 and purchase of a truck for an estimated $30,000.00.  Holman noted both projects were approved through the non-lapsing process.


Haase discussed a rain garden application for Kristy Diaz.  The application was for two rain gardens on two separate parcels, one of which is mandated by zoning as part of a mitigation agreement for a Conditional Use Permit.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to approve one rain garden for the parcel that is not under a mitigation agreement.  Motion carried.


Haase presented LWRM contracts for an underground outlet for Bruce Zillmer and nutrient management for Dean Krenke. 


Motion by Craig, seconded by Strebe to approve LWRM contracts for Zillmer and Krenke. 

Motion carried.


Haase reported that a NOD funding application was submitted by the June 15th deadline for the Gonzalez NOI/NOD.  Haase reported that several NWQI EQIP projects are about to start in the Pigeon Lake watershed.


Holman reported the Management Team is working on Department Head evaluations, CIP and the 2015 budget.


Haase and Ellis will be attending the Golden Sands RC&D meeting on July 17th.


The next LWCC meeting was set for August 11, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.


                                                                                                Submitted by,




                                                                                                Roger G. Holman

                                                                                                Recording secretary