April 29, 2014

                                                                                                                        Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:           DuWayne Federwitz, Pat Craig, Bob Ellis, Walter Strebe, Dale Trinrud, and Dick Rohan (Lee Much was excused).


Also Present:  Roger Holman, Brian Haase, Lisa Neuenfeldt and Dave Heideman


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to approve the April 7, 2014 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz called for nominations for Chair.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Strebe to nominate Federwitz.


Federwitz called for nominations three times.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to close nominations for Chair and cast a unanimous ballot for DuWayne Federwitz.  Motion carried.


Federwitz thanked the Committee.


Federwitz called for nominations for Vice Chair three times.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Strebe to nominate Ellis for Vice Chair


Federwitz called for nominations three times.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Trinrud to close nominations for Vice Chair and cast a unanimous ballot for Bob Ellis.  Motion carried.


Ellis thanked the Committee.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Haase gave new members the Waupaca County Land and Water Resource Management Plan, list of acronyms, WLWCA Booklet, and Chapter NR151.  Haase explained what the Land & Water Conservation Department does and gave a brief review of the documents


Lisa Neuenfeldt introduced herself and explained her role with NRCS.  Neuenfeldt stated that they still have not been given direction on EQIP even though the Farm Bill passed in February.  They are waiting for funding on the Honey Bee application with 16 applications.  Pigeon River sign-up continues until May 30th for the second round. The earlier signup has not been able to showcase completed projects which often time encourages signups.  To date, there is a lower sign-up then in the first round.  Neuenfeldt handed out and reviewed a summary of the Farm Bill.


Dave Heideman introduced himself and his agency FSA.  Heideman noted that due to retirement he will now be covering Outagamie County.  Heideman handed out and reviewed information on the Disaster Programs offered by FSA, including the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) and the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP), noting that ELAP covers livestock and crop losses due to adverse weather not covered by LIP or LFP. Heideman explained TAP, which provides cost share for rehabilitation or reestablishment for weather related losses to fruit and nut trees, vines, such as grapes and Christmas trees and nurseries.


Federwitz thanked Neuenfeldt and Heideman for their reports.


Haase, Federwitz and Ellis reported on the April 25th LWLWCA meeting in Neshkoro.  The main topic was presented by DNR on the nutrient trading bill.  Haase discussed the issue of phosphorous management and the limits that need to be met by municipalities to meet state standards.  The bill would allow municipalities to shift money for a municipal treatment plant upgrade to the Land & Water Department for farm practices in the watershed to address phosphorous removal. 


Ellis attended the Wisconsin Lakes meeting in Stevens Point.  Ellis noted that the work to protect water goes down to the grass roots.  Discussion occurred on the impact of the Pigeon River project on the Pigeon River Lake District and pond.


Haase reported on the status of Waupaca County’s Nutrient Management Plan list.  Out of 94 plans on the submittal list all but 20 have been received to date.  Of the 20 missing plans, 12 are required by ordinance or program contracts.  Staff will continue to pursue the completion of those plans.


Haase reported on the progress of the Farmland Preservation Plan.  Several towns have completed their comprehensive plan amendments.  The last town is scheduled to be done on June 2nd.  Afterwards the county will have to go through its own amendment process.  Haase and Ryan Brown are still hoping for a late summer completion.


Haase reported that the LWCD has received the new ¾ ton pickup truck.  The annual tree sale will be April 30th to May 3rd.  There is a tentative date of June 18th for WLWCA to hold a training session in Oshkosh for new committee members or any others that wish to attend.  The purple loosestrife root dig will be on May 6th at South Park.  School Section Lake is now on the EPA 303d list.  RC&D has had to cut hours to several employees due to a loss of DNR grant funding which may impact AIS services to the county.  Additionally, Haase is working with DNR on possible Notice of Intent to issue a Notice of Discharge (NOI/NOD) for the Mork farm in St. Lawrence and the Gonzalez farm in Lind.


Holman reported that the Management Team is starting the process to address the strategic questions developed by the County Board during the planning process held in September of 2013.  Holman reviewed the top options.  Holman reported the team is working on Department Head evaluations and started discussions on the 2015 budget.


The next meeting was set for June 2 at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Strebe, seconded by Ellis to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


                                                                                    Submitted by,




                                                                                    Roger G. Holman