March 6, 2014

                                                                                                                        Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Present:           DuWayne Federwitz, Pat Craig, Bob Ellis, Lee Much and Walter Strebe (Darrell Handrich was excused)


Also present:   Brian Haase, Roger Holman, Dave Heideman, Adam Abel and Shannon Rhode


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Craig to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to approve the February 3, 2014 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Heideman reported on the FSA programs including commodity loans, farm storage facility loans, the non-insurable assistance program, farm loans, and he and Able discussed the “Honey Bee Pollinators Effort” NRCS handout.


Abel updated the Committee on the impacts of the farm bill noting that all current applications are temporarily on hold until new guidance is provided to all NRCS state offices.  Abel stated that due to the huge backlog of conservation practices that need to be implemented under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiatives in the Lower Fox River Valley, he will be spending a few days a week working on those projects, with Julie Ammel who currently serves as The Cranberry Liaison for the state helping out in Waupaca.  The NRCS and LWCD staffs are working together to prioritize a very busy field season, including the Pigeon River Watershed.  There will be a 2014 sign-up for the Pigeon Lake Watershed due by May 16th.


Haase reported on attending the Fox Wolf Watershed Alliance (FWWA) conference earlier in the week.  The focus was on Adaptive Management & Phosphorous Trading in the Fox-Wolf Basin.  A pilot project is currently taking place on the Oneida Reservation.  There are 7 public water treatment facilities in the Lower Fox that may need as much as $850 million in improvements over the next 20 years.  This money could possibly be traded into county LWCD’s within these watersheds to attain phosphorous reduction.


Shannon Rhode, Project Manager, with Central Wisconsin Wind Partnership, updated the Committee on Windshed activities addressing wind erosion in the central sands area (8 counties).  Rhode explained that the goal is to plant 15.5 miles of windbreak each year.  Staff includes Shannon and 3 LTE’s.  In 2013 they planted 11.5 miles.  The planting is monitored for 3 years with plant loss replacements guaranteed.  It takes 5-10 years to become an effective windbreak.  Discussion occurred on how the planting is done and the types of trees that are planted.  Rhode also reported doing a fair amount of living snow fence plantings.


Haase and Holman reported they met with Mandy Welch and are waiting for an assessment of the pay grade for the Nutrient Management Position.  Holman said they are still working to fill the position in May versus the original August timeline due to workload.


Haase reported that the Farmland Preservation (FP) Planning process is moving along as planned.  Most town planning commissions and boards are starting their 30 day public notices and public hearings will follow to adopt their FP eligibility areas.  Haase and County Planning Director Ryan Brown are attending most of these meetings.


Holman and Haase reviewed the proposed projects and purchases for non-lapsing funding.  The projects included: replacing Dan McFarlane’s computer at $2,500, a plotter at $3,500, 2 summer interns at $16,000 (removed the boat from the list), mapping equipment at $2,000, replacing the 08 caravan at $20,000, and office construction at $5,000 and if funds are available, the purchase of a truck and updating the R8 GPS survey instrument to an R10. 


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Craig to recommend the list of projects for the non-lapsing funds.  Motion carried.


Haase reported that Farmer Training for NMP will be March 20th & 27th.  Haase also reported having about $2.3 million in cost sharing on the books for 2014 from four different funding sources.


Holman reported the Management Team is working on the Department Head evaluation process, CIP and waiting for direction on the strategic plan.


The next meeting was set for April 7th at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Craig to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.



                                                                                    Submitted by,




                                                                                    Roger G. Holman