Waupaca County

Land & Water Conservation Committee

Meeting Minutes


                                                                                                                                                November 4, 2013

                                                                                                            Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


Present:           DuWayne Federwitz, Bob Ellis, Pat Craig, Darrell Handrich, Lee Much, and         Walter Strebe


Also Present:   Roger Holman, Brian Haase, Dave Heideman, Lisa Neuenfeldt, Jennifer Glad, and Kaycie Stushek


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Handrich to approve the October 7, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Heideman updated the Committee on the impact of the 11 workday federal government shutdown, with the appropriation extension running through January 15, 2014.  Heideman reported that the 2013 Annual Payments have been made with 387 payments totaling $229,000, with no sequestration reduction.  The 2013 DCP Direct Payments have been made with 1821 payments, totaling $1,450,000, with an 8.6% reduction due to sequestration.  The fall crop reporting for all perennial forages and fall seeded small grains is due November 15th.  With no current Farm Bill, we still have Non-insurable Assistance Program (NAP), Market Assistance Loans (MAL), Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL) and Micro loans and other farm operating or ownership loans.


Neuenfeldt reported the federal government shutdown caused delays in the construction of at least one large project in the Pigeon Lake watershed and missed educational opportunities over at the Waupaca County Conservation Field Days.  Currently NRCS staff is changing documentation of conservation activities for C.S.P., followed by annual payments on 55 contracts.  Projects designs/plans are being prepared for next year’s construction season and sign-up for EQIP has been extended until December 20th.  There was a pasture walk on October 2nd at Art and Rheta Richardson’s farm, which was well attended.  Neuenfeldt and Haase spoke at a Conservation Planner certification class put on by UWEX.


Federwitz thanked Heideman and Neuenfeldt for their reports.


Glad reported on the Waupaca County 5th grade Conservation Field Day, held on October 4th.  There were 450 5th graders from seven schools who attended.  There were 21 stations providing opportunities for the students to get a hands-on experience in various areas of conservation.  Glad explained that the presenters are all professionals in the Conservation and Agricultural fields, providing an excellent opportunity to learn what conservation and careers in an outdoor setting.  Glad explained what the presentations were and how they were presented, with a new station on fishing.  Glad noticed the cost to the County is $2,000 with the rest of the support coming from local organizations.  Glad discussed possible Jr. membership in Whitetails and Ducks Unlimited as part of their future sponsorship.


Stushek reported on the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) activities that occurred in Waupaca County.  The field work included Japanese Knotweed removal, Clean Boat/Clean Water program, volunteer coordination, purple loosestrife biological control, MIS surveys of various lakes and streams, Eurasian watermilfoil, hand pulling, Conservation Field Day, educational classes and numerous presentations.


Federwitz thanked Glad and Stushek for their reports and excellent work.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on the proposed bond package.


Haase reported that most major construction projects are winding down or completed.  Cost share payments will be made and evaluation on whether any contracts will be carried over into 2014 will be done.  Haase also reported on the status of the Steingraber-Hiembruch TRM grant.  DNR granted a 3rd year extension to Steingraber at the end of 2012 and issued a Notice of Intent at the same time.  The farm was sold to Heimbruch in May of 2013 and the TRM grant and Notice of Intent have been transferred or re-issued.  Haase and Heimbruch met with Amy Callis and Erin Hansen of DNR on Oct. 30 to explore the feasibility of an animal easement on the premises instead of construction of manure storage and runoff facilities.  It appears this may be a cost effective solution to the site and will be further explored.  Either way a rare 4th year extension will be needed for the TRM grant.  Haase then briefly reported on the status of the 2014 TRM grants.


The next meeting, if needed, was set for December 2nd at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Handrich, seconded by Ellis to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.



                                                                                    Submitted by,



Roger G. Holman

Recording Secretary