May 6, 2013

                                                                                                                        Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:           DuWayne Federwitz, Pat Craig, Bob Ellis, Darrell Handrich, Lee Much, and Walter Strebe


Also Present:   Roger Holman, Brian Haase, Lisa Neuenfeldt, Dan McFarlane, and Andrea Moore


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Handrich to approve the April 2, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Neuenfeldt updated the Committee on special NWQI funding for the Pigeon Lake watershed.  The funding is estimated at $150,000 to $200,000 for projects in the watershed.  The Land & Water staff will do the technical work on the projects.  Neuenfeldt explained the Stewardship program and noted the sign-up is through June 21st.  Neuenfeldt also noted that the CRP sign-up is May 20 – June 14.


Haase noted that LWRM funding will be used to assist any NWQI contracts that may need additional funding in the Pigeon Lake watershed.


Federwitz thanked Neuenfeldt for her report.


Haase, Ellis and Federwitz reported on the LWLWCA tour to Outagamie County Airport.  Highlights included water control basins, sound barriers, chemical containment areas and the new green terminal for private aircraft.


Holman presented information on the UWSP internship program they are considering working with to provide an intern for this summer.  Holman noted the internship program has worked very well in the Solid Waste program, providing an individual that is eager to learn and brings a good educational background to the position.  The cost to the County would be $6,000 - $7,000 (non-lapsing funds).  The intern would work no more than 40 hours per week during the summer and 8-12 hours per week in the fall.  McFarlane reviewed the work that would be completed by the intern including farm inventory, GIS work and support on other projects.  Haase stated they have interviewed a good potential candidate with a GIS background and feel he would be a good fit for the program.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis to enter into an intern agreement with UWSP.  Motion carried.


McFarlane presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Committee reviewing the projects and work he is involved with for the County.  The work included Aquatic Invasive Species mapping with Golden Sands, Farmland Presentation, developing GIS maps, working on construction projects, designing a farm inventory record program and projects for other departments.


Federwitz thanked McFarlane for his update.

Haase gave update on Farmland Preservation. Weyauwega Township has unexpectedly withdrawn from the plan and St Lawrence has joined the process.  Draft maps are expected to be sent out to DATCP in June.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on the 2013 budget, completing evaluations, CIP, and finalizing the Highway and Maintenance plans.  Discussion followed on the evaluation process.


The next meeting was set for June 3rd at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Handrich to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. 



                                                                                    Submitted by:



                                                                                    Roger G. Holman

                                                                                    Recording Secretary