April 2, 2013

                                                                                                                                    Courthouse, Waupaca


Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:            DuWayne Federwitz, Pat Craig, Bob Ellis, Darrell Handrich, Lee Much, and Walter Strebe


Also present:    Roger Holman, Brian Haase, Lisa Neuenfeldt, Yee Thao and Dave Heideman


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Handrich to approve the January 7, 2013 minutes.  Motion carried.


Federwitz opened the meeting for public comment.  There was none.


Dave Heideman introduced the new County Office Training (COT) employee Yee Thao.


Thoa updated the committee on the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program, the 2011 Crop Disaster (Sure) program, Direct and Counter Cyclical Payment (DCP) per acre sign-up, and the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).  The sign-up is from May 20-June 14.  Discussion followed on how the MILC payments are determined and who qualifies.


Federwitz thanked Thao and Heideman for their reports.


Neuenfeldt reported that staff are wrapping up the planning & contracting tasks for the EQIP sign-ups.  Practice designing has begun.  Surveying will begin when the snow melts.


Neuenfeldt reviewed a handout for EQIP practices that were funded.  Six applications have not been funded yet and they are awaiting slippage from other states.  Neuenfedlt reviewed information on the Soil Health initiative.  NRCS will start getting the word out about Soil Health through field days, demonstrations, training, and offering cost share for practices that increase soil health.


Federwitz thanked Neuenfeldt for her report.


Haase, Federwitz and Ellis reported on the various sessions attended at the WLWCA Conference.  Haase mentioned the desire for WLWCA to repeat some of the more popular sessions.


Haase, Holman, Ellis, and Federwitz discussed the sustainability work shop they attended on March 21st.  The Working Together for Waupaca County group are encouraging Waupaca County and its municipalities to pass a resolution supporting the commitment to making decisions based on sustainability.  Holman stated that a meeting will be set up with LWCC, Park & Rec, Solid Waste Management Board, and the Planning and Zoning Committee to discuss a possible supporting resolution.


Holman reviewed the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) work that is currently being completed to update the 10 year CIP plan.  Holman reviewed the proposed projects for the LWCD.  The projects included trucks, van, plotter, and survey equipment replacement.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to recommend the CIP LWCD projects.  Motion carried.


Holman reviewed the 2013 non-lapsing funds projects including laser level, additional vehicle maintenance and gas funds, computer, truck, summer intern, water quality project support and a 3rd C-3D autocad seat.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to recommend the non-lapsing funds projects.  Motion carried.


Haase and Holman discussed creating a non-lapsing account for revenues that are not budgeted.  The purpose of the account is to provide funding for special projects.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to recommend creating a LWCD non-lapsing account.  Motion carried.


Haase presented a resolution releasing parcels of land from Farmland Preservation .  The parcels are needed for Highway Department work on County Highway T.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to recommend the adoption of the Farmland Preservation resolution releasing parcels of land for the Highway Department.  Motion carried.


Haase gave a Farmland Preservation update.  It appears the towns of Wyoming and Dupont will not participate and the Town of St Lawrence is interested in joining the planning process.  Haase and Ryan Brown attended the ATCP 49 hearing on Farmland Preservation.  A Farmland Preservation steering committee meeting was held on March 27th and some consensus was reached that seemed to satisfy all of the participating towns.  Haase and Brown are planning for a preliminary map review by June.


Haase handed out and reviewed a letter to our legislators regarding state budget funding for conservation to be increased.  Discussion followed on where the funds would come from, why they were removed, and who the legislators are.  The Joint Committee on Finance will have an opportunity to restore or relocate funding that could benefit county grants.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Handrich, to sign the letter supporting the restoration of funding for conservation programs.  Motion carried.


Holman reported the Management Team is working on the 2014 Budget, CIP, finishing up Highway and Maintenance planning, and addressing options for Courthouse security.


The next meeting was set for May 6th at 9:00 a.m.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis to adjourn.  Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


Submitted by:



Roger G. Holman

                                                                                    Recording Secretary