August 28, 2012

                        Courthouse, Waupaca

Chair Federwitz called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Present: Bob Ellis, DuWayne Federwitz, Lee Much, Ardyce Eisentraut, and Darrell Handrich.


Excused:  Pat Craig


Also present:      Brian Haase, Roger Holman and Amanda Welch.


Federwitz gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Much to approve the agenda with the moving of item 10 to after item 8.  Motion carried.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Handrich to approve the minutes of August 13, 2012.  Motion carried.


There were no agency reports.


Holman reported that he is in conversation with other Departments regarding sharing a secretarial position.


Haase discussed the Agronomist contracted position through Golden Sands RC&D.  Three Counties are interested in contracting for the Agronomist.


Holman and Haase discussed the Conservation/GIS Technician interview situation and the change of a full time Conservation/GIS Technician to a 55% position.


Motion by Handrich, seconded by Ellis to recommend the changing of the Conservation/GIS Technician position from a full time position to a 55% position.  Motion carried.


Holman noted that with the changing of the Conservation/GIS tech position, the budget will go from an estimated 7.82% increase to a 1.7% increase.  Holman noted this increase is mainly due to health insurance and workers comp increase.


Motion by Eisentraut, seconded by Handrich to re-hire Dan McFarlane back as a 55% Conservation/GIS technician at the pay grade/step that he left at in July with appropriate step raises to follow and PTO leave/vacation to be prorated.  Motion carried.


Haase reported that he had done 5 informational/mapping related meetings with 5 different towns.  Beyond that he is trying to wait until the new planning director is on board to continue the Farmland Preservation Planning process.


Holman reported that the Management Team is taking a hard look at the 2013 budget to bring it in at the limit set by the State.  Holman noted the Management Team is being updated on the Comp Study and evaluation process.


Haase reported that the staff is busy with several large manure storage projects and the Hoag NOI/NOD contract was ready to be signed and that job will start soon also.


The next meeting was set for October 1st at 9:00 AM.


Motion by Handrich, seconded by Much to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.


                                                                                                Submitted by,



                                                                                                Roger G. Holman

                                                                                                Recording Secretary