May 7, 2012

                        Courthouse, Waupaca

Acting Chair Holman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Present:           Bob Ellis, Darrell Handrich, Pat Craig, DuWayne Federwitz, Lee Much, and Ardyce Eisentraut.


Also present:   Lisa Neuenfeldt, Dave Heideman, Roger Holman, Melinda Osterberg and Brian Haase.


Holman gave the open meeting statement.


Motion by Ellis, seconded by Craig to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.


Motion by Handrich, seconded by Ellis to approve the minutes of March 19, 2012.  Motion carried.


Holman called for nominations for Chair of the Land & Water Conservation Committee.


Handrich nominated Federwitz for Chair.


Holman called for nominations 3 times.


Motion by Much, seconded by Craig to close nominations and cast an unanimous ballot for Federwitz for Chair.  Motion carried.


Federwitz thanked the Committee.


Federwitz opened the meeting for nominations for Vice-Chair.


Handrich nominated Ellis for Vice-Chair.


Federwitz called for nominations 3 times.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to close nominations and cast an unanimous ballot for Ellis for Vice-Chair.  Motion carried.


Federwitz stated he is appointing Holman as the recording secretary.


Motion by Much, seconded by Ellis, to approve the appointment of Holman as recording secretary.  Motion carried.


Introductions were made of all committee members and staff.


Neuenfeldt reported that so far this year NRCS has had a record number (56) of requests for wetland determination, under EQIP there is a backlog of farmstead applications (mainly storage requests), and all applications for Conservation Stewardship Programs will be funded this year.


Heideman handed out and reviewed a summary of the programs that are offered at the FSA office.



Haase reported that the Land & Water Resource Management Plan was approved by DATCP, on April 3rd, as a 10 year plan.  This was the first 10 year plan approved by DATCP.  The plan will be updated after 5 years.  Holman noted that Haase needs to be commended for the time and effort he put into the writing of a successful plan.


Osterberg & Haase updated the Committee on Farmland Preservation planning process.  Discussion followed on providing for public input during the planning process.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Ellis to jointly support, with the Zoning & Planning Committee, the Farmland Preservation resolution providing the necessary process for public input.  Motion carried.


Discussion occurred on contracting with Osterberg (who is leaving her position with the County in June), to assist with the planning process until a new Planner is hired and is ready to take over the process.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Much to recommend contracting with Osterberg to carry on the Farmland Preservation planning process until such time as the new planner is ready to take over the process and subject to funding availability.  Motion carried.


Discussion occurred on status of secretarial position.  Haase reported that the department has alternative staff needs that should be explored before making any decision.  Topic will be discussed more at next meeting.


Haase updated the Committee on the PACE program, stating that 5 easements have been signed and 4 paid.  The 6th easement is in the drafting stage.  The PACE program will bring in $3 million dollars to the County.


Haase reported on the March RC&D meeting and gave handouts of the 2011 RC&D report.


Holman reviewed the process for updating the CIP 10 year plan.  Holman explained that the plan is made up of 3 areas – short term, long term, and life time projects.  Holman stated at this time they are reviewing the projects and procedures and updating the plan.


Holman reported that the Management Team is working on a visionary process, JDQ’s, updating the CIP plan, developing an evaluation process, and preparing for the 2013 budget process.


The next meeting was set for June 4, 10:00 a.m. at the Courthouse.


Motion by Craig, seconded by Handrich to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at11:45 a.m.


Submitted by,




                                                                                                Roger G. Holman
