
1.       Chairman Barrington called the meeting to order at 9:05AM in the Lakeview Manor Conference Room.

2.       Roll call Supervisors Barrington, Penney, Handrich, and Sorensen.  Also present are Melissa Goke, Business Office Manager and Megan Feirtag, Nursing Home Administrator.  Supervisor Johnson is excused.

3.       Moved by Supervisor Penney seconded by Supervisor Sorensen to accept the agenda as written.  Motion carried.

4.       Moved by Supervisor Penney, seconded by Supervisor Johnson to approve minutes 10/28/14.  Motion carried.

5.       Megan Feirtag, Administrator gave report to include following:

a.       Current census at Lakeview Manor  36

                                                               i.      Medicaid             24

                                                             ii.      Medicare/Insurance       1

                                                            iii.      Private Pay         4

                                                           iv.      Family Care         6

                                                             v.      Hospice                1

b.      There were two incidents in the dietary department that were reported on.

6.       The Committee reviewed Disbursements for October ’14 and Financials.  It was noted that Lakeview is ahead of budget year to date.  Motion by Sorensen seconded by Handrich to approve reports.  Motion carried.

7.       Lakeview Manor sought approval to expand their capital budget to purchase a van which is needed for appointments and delivery of MOW.  The funds would be taken out of LVM’s saving account.  Motion made by Supervisor Sorensen to approve the additional funds for the van from the LVM savings account pending approval from Heidi Dombrowski seconded by Supervisor Penney. Motion carried. 

8.       The LVM committee made the motion to move forward with hiring a dietary manager and not outsourcing the department. Motion by Supervisor Sorensen, seconded by Supervisor Handrich.

9.       LVM sought approval for increasing their private pay daily rate.  The current rate is $250 per day and the 5% increase would move the rate to $262.50 per day effective January 1st.  The committee also decided to no longer grandfather in previous private pay rates to residents and to assign all private pay residents with the new private pay rate.  Motion by Supervisor Penney, seconded by Supervisor Sorensen

10.   Moved by Supervisor Sorenson, seconded by Supervisor Penney to adjourn meeting at 10:10AM. Motion carried.

Next meeting to be held in the Lakeview Manor Conference room on December 16, 2014 immediately following the county board meeting.


***If special accommodations are necessary, please contact Waupaca County Clerk’s Office to make arrangements.  Requests are kept confidential.  715-258-6200. TDD line is 715-258-6302.