April 1, 2014


The Information Systems Committee met on, April 1, 2014, in Room 1053.


Chair John Penney called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and read the open meeting statement. 


Members present: Chr. John Penney, Cty. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen, Ian Grasshoff, Sheri Wieters, and Robert Reath.  Supr. Jim Loughrin was absent.  Also in attendance were Adam Wogsland, Julie Motiff, Chris Dalhoe, Brent Wyland, and Ryan Brown.


Review and accept the agenda.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to accept agenda.  Motion was seconded by Chr. John Penney.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.  Motion was seconded by Chr. John Penney.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve bills.   The March bills were presented and discussion was held.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to accept the bills and forward them to the finance committee.  Chr. John Penney seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Director’s Report. 

R. Reath reported on the current speed test for the connection between the Courthouse and Lakeview Manor.  CenturyLink will increase to 6 Mbps.  The modem at Lakeview Manor will have to be reconfigured before this change will go into effect.  Future discussion will be held on running fiber optic to Lakeview Manor.


Old Business

Purchase of laptop and addition of computer to network – WCI.  R. Reath will table this request until the May meeting.


New Business.

Policy additions/modifications:

                Cloud Storage Policy – C. Dalhoe presented a policy where users must notify Information Systems for approval to store county documents on any internet cloud storage system.  Discussion followed with a suggestion to have this policy submitted to Corporation Counsel for approval and to the County Clerk to hand out at the next Department Head meeting for their input.  The approval of this policy will be tabled until reviewed.

Equipment Redeployment SOP – This policy was drafted to keep the county’s network/software licensing in compliance.  C. Dalhoe reported that department’s were adding network devices out of the budget’s scope.  The policy states that any additions not budgeted for will have the network/software licensing paid for by the department making the addition of equipment.  Added was no storage of vacated position’s computer equipment within that department.  All non-assigned computer related equipment must to turned into IS Department.  Discussion followed with Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen making a motion to accept this policy as presented.  Chr. Penney seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

Existing Policy Updates – C. Dalhoe requested a change be approved on the Mobile Device Policy.  He met with Ryan Brown, Planning and Zoning Director, to discuss his desire to purchase mobile devices that his department could use their county software with.  This information would then have to be transferred back to the county’s server.  That transfer of information was not clarified in the policy.  On item 7.2, a line would be added to have IS’s input when determining if a device would be capable of transferring said software back to the server.  Discussion followed.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to accept the change to Item 7.2 to include also when connecting back to county software.  Supr. Penney seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Additional computer in 2nd floor pod of the jail – Captain Wogsland requested an addition of a computer to the 2nd floor pod.   The current computer is being used for day to day operations on that floor and with the increased number of inmates needing to be monitored; an additional computer could be used for creating reports, as a backup, etc.  Discussion followed.  IS would need to be reimbursed for software licensing, Windows 8, Office 2007, and Symantec.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to approve the addition of a 2nd computer to the 2nd floor pod of the jail with the Sheriff Department to cover the cost of the licensing.  Supr. Penney seconded the motion.  Motion approved without a negative vote.


Replacement of standalone printer in Veteran’s Office – J. Motiff requested her standalone printer be replaced.  This printer handles envelopes only and if the main network printer was be serviced.  B. Wyland asked if she had tried to use the network printer to handle envelopes.  Discussion followed.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to approve the purchase of a standalone printer if the multifunction printer would not handle envelopes.  Supr. Penney seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Public Comment – A card from the employees of the Information Systems department will be given to Supr. Loughrin thanking him for his years of services on the IS Committee.


Adjourn.  A motion was made by Supr. Penney to adjourn the meeting at 10:11 a.m.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., Room 1053.