October 1, 2013


The Information Systems Committee met on, October 1, 2013, in Room 1053.


Chair John Penney called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and read the open meeting statement. 


Members present: Chr. John Penney, Cty. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen, Supr. Jim Loughrin, Sheri Wieters, Clyde Tellock for Ian Grasshoff, and Robert Reath.  Ian Grasshoff was excused.  Also in attendance were Chris Dalhoe, Kris Carlin, Amanda Welch, and Linda Drews.


Review and accept the agenda.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to approve the agenda.  Motion was seconded by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.  Motion was seconded Supr. Loughrin.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve bills.   The September bills were presented and discussion was held.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to accept the bills and forward them to the finance committee.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Director’s Report. 

Fiber Project Status – R. Reath handed out the latest update from MC & E on the project to connect the Highway Department with the Courthouse by fiber optics.  The project is still on schedule for completion in October.


CARES Worker Web speed issue – R. Reath reported on an issue that the Economic and Employment Support Services Division is experiencing when trying to navigate between screen while connected to the CWW web link at the state level.  C. Dalhoe explained that other counties are experiencing the same issues of slow screens.  Corporate Network Solutions has exhausted any problem with the county’s connection as far as equipment and settings are concerned.  DHHS will continue to contact the state to come up with a solution.  A conference call will be placed to the state next week.  Corporate Network Solutions will be there to defend his findings.


Old Business

None to report.


New Business.

Laptop Sheriff Detective Position – HR approved a new detective position and a laptop is requested due to nature of the position.  Funding for this computer will come from the IT Contingency Fund.  Discussion followed with Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen making a motion to approve the purchase of a new laptop and peripherals not to exceed $1,500.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


RTVision discussion/request – Highway Department – K. Carlin requested approval of the purchase of RTVision software to improve time reporting from the outlying shops in the county.  The Highway Department would pay for any costs associated with the installation and maintenance of the software.  Discussion followed.  A. Welch stated her concern for integrating the software with the accounting system.  She stated that the software that the county currently uses for time reporting had to be customized to work with Logos.  C. Dalhoe will work with the Highway Department to see if the software will be compatible with existing systems.  He suggests waiting to purchase the software at this time as current projects will have priority over this project.  Possibly a May 2014 completion date was discussed.


IS Smartphone Policy – C. Dalhoe wanted to reiterate to the committee that the smart phone policy that was adopted must to followed by the departments before purchasing the phones.  He would like to see the departments hold off on purchasing any new phones until after the possible purchase of Element mobile at the end of the year.


Discussion of Open Office – C. Dalhoe suggested that users with tablets download and use the free version of Open Office instead of purchasing Microsoft’s software.  Microsoft would charge the users an annual fee.  While Open Office is not as powerful as Microsoft Office, it would be enough for the users to function while away from the county’s network.


Tech Resource Collaborative – Wisconsin Counties Assn. – L. Drews gave a brief description of the meeting held to discuss ways that municipalities/counties could work together to find solutions to technical problems.  A website has been established for organizations to sign up to use as a tool for solutions to IT needs.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen also attended and found the meeting very informative.  He hopes that the IS Department will take advantage of the information presented.


Adjourn.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 a.m.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 9:00 a.m., Room 1053.