November 6 2012


The Information Systems Committee met on, November 6, 2012, in Room 1053.


Chair John Penney called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and read the open meeting statement. 


Members present: Supr. John Penney, Supr. Jim Loughrin, Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen, Ian Grasshoff, Robert Reath, Sheri Wieters.  Also in attendance: Chris Dalhoe.


Review and accept the agenda.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to approve the agenda.  Motion was seconded by Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting.  A motion was made by Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.  Motion was seconded by Supr. Loughrin.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve bills.   The October  bills were presented and discussion was held.  Supr. Loughrin made a motion to accept the bills and forward them to the finance committee.  Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Director’s Report. 


VoIP Update – R. Reath reported that all courthouse and sheriff department phones have been placed and the project went live on October 18th.  The specialized phones for the court systems were purchased and installed.  Communicator Shortel software is in the process of being installed on the computers with the VoIP phones.  This software will supply the users with history, phone # lookup, and an automated process of dialing.  WiFi and Fax will be in configured before the end of the year.  There is currently $63,000.00 left in the IT VoIP project.


Old Business


None to report.


New Business.


Discussion was held on the request for additional network devices at the Highway Department with no action being required.


Adjourn.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 a.m.  Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., Room 1053.