October 2 2012


The Information Systems Committee met on, October 2, 2012, in Room 1053.


Chair John Penney called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and read the open meeting statement. 


Members present: Supr. John Penney, Supr. Jim Loughrin, Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen, Ian Grasshoff, Robert Reath, Sheri Wieters.  Also in attendance: Chris Dalhoe.


Review and accept the agenda.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to approve the agenda.  Motion was seconded by Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.  Motion was seconded by Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve bills.   The September  bills were presented and discussion was held.  Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen  made a motion to accept the bills and forward them to the finance committee. Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Director’s Report. 


VoIP Update – R. Reath reported that all courthouse and sheriff department users have been trained. Training was now beginning for the Circuit Courts and Clerk of Courts.  The courthouse phones have been installed by Brent Wyland with Chris Dalhoe stating that he and Nick Carlin have started to install the sheriff department phones.  Chris Dalhoe stated that the 3rd floor cabling project was being wrapped up. The cutover date will be October 18th

Budget Update- R. Reath reported that IS is at 69% of its 2012 budget as of September 30 and that $30,000 remains in the IT account.

Nick Carlin the IS LTE was introduced. 


Old Business


None to report.


New Business.


Request to purchase laptop/peripherals was presented by Jed Wohlt the Waupaca County Sanitarian.   He stated that he would like to purchase a laptop convertible tablet with a touch screen and that he had the funds to cover the purchase.  He stated that he needs to have a durable computer such as a tough book and he would like one that could also be used as a tablet so he could obtain signatures on inspection reports.  Chris Dalhoe suggested that the purchase for the laptop be approved but that he waits to buy until later this year when Microsoft rolls out Windows 8. Jed Wohlt agreed.  Jed Wohlt stated that he had gotten a quote for the laptop and it was $2700 for the laptop and $3300 total with the laptop and accessories he would need.  There was discussion.  Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen made a motion to approve the purchase of the laptop holding off buying until Windows 8 is available and Jed Wohlt would use his funds for the purchase and Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion. 


Request addition of computer to network in Records – Sheriff Department.  Vicki Thoe and Sheriff Brad Hardel requested to have an additional computer setup for a LTE that will be helping them catch up in records.  Chris Dalhoe recommended using a tech slide computer with no initial cost.  There is already a network jack available in the location they would like the computer placed.  There was discussion. Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen made a motion to approve the addition of the computer for Records with Supr. Loughrin seconding the motion.


Adjourn.  A motion was made by Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 a.m.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., Room 1053.