June 12, 2012


The Information Systems Committee met on, June 12, 2012, in Room 1053.


Chair John Penney called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and read the open meeting statement. 


Members present: Supr. John Penney, Co. Bd. Chr. Dick Koeppen, Supr. Jim Loughrin, Ian Grasshoff , Sheri Wieters, Robert Reath.   Also in attendance Chris Dalhoe, Brent Wyland, Allen Kraeger.


Review and accept the agenda.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to accept the agenda with moving Allen Kraeger 2 requests ahead of the Director’s Report.  Motion was seconded by Supr. Loughrin.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Minutes of the previous meeting.  A motion was made by Supr. Loughrin to accept the minutes from the previous meeting.  Motion was seconded by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Approve bills.   The May bills were presented and discussion was held.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to accept the bills and forward them to the finance committee. Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


New Business.


A request was made by A. Kraeger to allow replacement of 2 multi-function printer/copier devices at the Sheriff Department.  One device is in the Administration area and the second in the Sergeant’s area.  These devices were placed in 2000 and the monthly maintenance is too costly; also, some repair parts are no longer available.  The devices would be funded thru the Sheriff Department budgets.  Discussion followed with Supr. Loughrin making a motion to allow the replacement of the 2 devices.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


The second request made by A. Kraeger was to allow a computer be installed by the Record’s front window at the Sheriff Department for the personnel to handle DMV title/license requests.  This computer would not have network file access, just internet access to the CVR software.  The CVR (DMV title/license) takes a large amount of computer resources to run.  Having the dedicated computer would allow the staff to not have to close all their programs to process the DMV requests.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen made a motion to add this computer to the network.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Director’s Report. 


R. Reath requested B. Wyland present a progress report on the new phone system being implemented.  B. Wyland reported that the server portion is installed and that he has received some training on administrating the software.  A training session for support IS staff will be held in July with a projected placement of phones to occur by the end of August.

R. Reath explained changes to the Capital Improvement portion pertaining to the phone project.  $43,000 has been moved from the phone project to cover the wiring project.  There is a balance in the phone project of $81,000 to date.


Old Business


Review Waupaca County Computer Use Policy – C. Dalhoe handed out the finished computer use policy.  He stated that not much has changed from the current policy with additions for handling security, etc. for local devices and the new phone system.  Any infractions to the policy would be first brought to the Department Head’s attention to resolve.  If needed, the next step would be to bring the incident before the IS Committee for resolution. If any discipline is required, then the incident would be addressed at the Human Resources Department level.  The policy would be placed on the county’s intranet for the employees to review.  Discussion followed with Supr. Loughrin making a motion to adopt the Waupaca County Computer Use Policy as presented.  Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


New Business.


Request to replace the fair notebook and printer that is in the UWEX department.  Both devices are outdated.  The devices would be funded thru the Fair budget.  Discussion followed with Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen making a motion to  approve UWEX department to purchase the replacements of the notebook and printer used for the county fair programs.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 


Adjourn.  A motion was made by Cty. Bd. Chr. Koeppen to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 a.m.  Supr. Loughrin seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., Room 1053.