October 1, 2013


The Waupaca County HR Committee met in the Waupaca County Courthouse at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1037.  Chair Gary Barrington called the meeting to order and gave the open meeting statement.  Roll Call: Chair Gary Barrington, County Board Chair Dick Koeppen, Supervisor Gerald Murphy, and Supervisor DuWayne Federwitz all present.  




MOTION:   Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


MOTION:   Supervisor Murphy moved and Supervisor Federwitz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meetings.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


No public comment.


Review of the monthly HR Department Report including recruitment/termination logs, existing vacancies, upcoming interviews and any outstanding labor relations issues.  As a follow up to the previous meeting, the County has explored alternate simulation testing options for TeleCommunicators.  The cost of utilizing a new version of testing called CritiCall is approximately $6000.  The testing currently used is ECOMM which the County has already invested.  At this time we will move forward with utilizing ECOMM and budget funds will be reviewed to see if CritiCall can be utilized in the future.


Review of New Position and Expansion requests for 2014: 

MOTION:  Chair Barrington moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to approve and recommend the Information Systems Department request for a full-time Support Technician effective 1/1/2014.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 

MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to approve and recommend the Land & Water Conservation Department request for a full-time Nutrient Management Specialist effective 8/1/2014.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

MOTION:   Supervisor Murphy moved and Supervisor Federwitz seconded the motion to approve and recommend the Sheriff’s Department request for a full-time TeleCommunicator effective 9/1/2014.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 

MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to approve and recommend the Sheriff’s Department/Coroner’s Department request for a full-time Records Specialist effective 1/1/2014 to be spilt 80%/20% between the departments and is expected to significantly reduce or eliminate the existing overtime in the Records Division.  Motion carried without a negative vote. MOTION:  Chair Barrington moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to recommend for further discussion at the Finance & HR Committee the Sheriff’s Department request for a full-time Patrol Officer effective 9/1/2014.  Motion carried without a negative vote.

MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and Chair Barrington seconded the motion to approve and recommend the expansion of the Program Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator position to full-time as part of reorganization.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 

MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and Chair Barrington seconded the motion to approve and recommend the expansion of the Healthy Beginnings Manager position to full-time and the elimination of the .4FTE case worker. Motion carried without a negative vote. 


MOTION:  Chair Barrington moved and County Board Chair Koeppen seconded the motion to approve a recommendation of 1.25% wage increase for employees on county designated wage schedules.  Employees in a red-lined status a lump sum stipend to be determined.  Motion carried without a negative vote.  Options for potential funding of the increases will be discussed further prior to the next Finance & HR Committee meeting. 


The resolution for Highway Department Restructuring will be held over until additional components of the reorganization are available.


Discussion of the IHO appointments for grievances.  MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and Chair Barrington seconded the motion to approve the designation of Warren Kraft and Maxine Salfai to hear the outstanding grievances subject to their availability.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 


MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and County Board Chair Koeppen seconded the motion to approve the vacation carryover request for employee S.L. as recommended.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 


MOTION:  County Board Chair Koeppen moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 4:15 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Amanda Welch

HR Director