July 25, 2013


The Waupaca County HR Committee met in the Waupaca County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. in Room 1037.  Chair Gary Barrington called the meeting to order and gave the open meeting statement.  Roll Call: Chair Gary Barrington, Supervisor Gerald Murphy, and Supervisor DuWayne Federwitz all present.  County Board Chair Dick Koeppen excused.




MOTION:   Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and Supervisor Federwitz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


No public comment.


Review of monthly HR Department report including recruitment and termination logs, current vacancies, upcoming interviews, and pending items.  Copies of employee & retiree communication pieces regarding the 2014 changes in insurance were shared for informational purposes.  Employee open enrollment meetings will be in early November along with individual retiree meetings on November 5th.  Health Risk Assessment information was distributed this week to employees so they can begin scheduling appointments.


Review of information regarding payments in lieu of insurance.  Discussion of and benefit/risk of expanding the incentive for not electing insurance.  No action on this item.


Pending new position requests.  Information Systems Director, Bob Reath and Network Administrator, Chris Dalhoe were present to discuss the pending 2013 new position request for their department.  They currently are utilizing a 20/hr per week LTE to assist with a variety of duties, but with a primary focus on the Sheriff’s Department.  The IS Department has not added staff since 2002 and has since reduced one of the positions to part-time.  The network and number of servers has increased extensively and there is a growing demand for increased technology by departments.  MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Gerald Murphy seconded the motion to approve and forward to Finance the expansion of the LTE hours to 28/wk for the remainder of 2013; and have a new position request submitted for 2014 to create a regular county position at 30/hrs per week.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Sheriff Hardel and Chief Deputy Kraeger joined the meeting to discuss the pending Detective Sergeant position request for 2013 that has been held over for further consideration.  MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Gerald Murphy seconded the motion to approve and forward the request to Finance for further consideration.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Vacation carryover requests for two Department Heads were reviewed.  MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Gerald Murphy seconded the motion to approve the carryover of 5 days vacation for two months consistent with the County’s policy.  Motion carried without a negative vote.


Requests for consideration of compensatory time accumulation for employee.  Review of the specific circumstances of the request and the benefit to the County, as well as, existing policy on compensatory time accumulation.  MOTION:  Supervisor Murphy moved and Supervisor Federwitz seconded the motion to approve a one-time exception to the 80 hrs (10 days) maximum accumulation of compensatory time for the requesting employee not to exceed two additional regular days (16hrs).  Motion carried without a negative vote.


A preliminary draft of the 2014 HR Department budget was presented for review.  No action necessary at this time.


MOTION:  Supervisor Federwitz moved and Supervisor Murphy seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried without a negative vote. 11:15 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Amanda Welch

HR Director