February 20, 2015 Highway Committee Meeting

Chairman Flease called the meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway office. Open meeting statement was noted.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Jonely, Much, and Aasen. Supervisor McClone was excused.


Also present Walt Raith, ECWRPC; Andrew Lang, Casper’s Truck Equipment; Mike Krueger, Waupaca County Highway Equipment and Facility Superintendent; Lisa Coombs, Highway Engineering Specialist; and Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


MOTION Much/Aasen to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2015 regular Committee Meeting.  Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber recommended that Item 18 on the meeting agenda be addressed prior to anything else.  MOTION Aasen/Much to approve the February 20, 2015 meeting agenda as revised to address Item 18 first.  Carried without a negative vote.


Mr. Steingraber recommended that the Committee award the Quad Axle Truck Accessories Bid to Casper’s Truck Equipment, for a total of $128,655.  MOTION Jonely/Much to award the Quad Axle Truck Accessories Bid to Casper’s Truck Equipment, for a total of $128,655.  Carried without a negative vote.


Mr. Lang and Mr. Krueger left meeting.


Discussion with Walt Raith regarding construction of a roundabout at the USH 45/ STH 96 intersection.  Highway Committee indicated that they approve of the use of a roundabout at that intersection, and would also like to see a roundabout at the USH 45/STH 15/CTH T Intersection.


The Committee members reviewed two bill batches dated 2/12/15 and 2/19/15.  MOTION Jonely/Aasen to approve the bill batches as presented.  Carried without a negative vote.


Mr. Aasen left the meeting.


Mr. Steingraber distributed the Commissioner’s Report which included:

·         Calendar dates that involve the Committee

·         Department projects

·         Financial Reports


Mr. Steingraber recommended the committee approve the three-party contract for CTH E Bridge Design with OMNNI, WI Department of Transportation and Waupaca County for $77,178.60. MOTION Much/Jonely to approve the approve the three-party contract for CTH E Bridge Design with OMNNI, WI Department of Transportation and Waupaca County for $77,178.60.  Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber recommended the committee approve the implementation of the seasonal weight limits when it becomes necessary. MOTION Much/Jonely to approve implementation of the seasonal weight limits when it becomes necessary.  Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber recommended the committee accept the resignation of Doug Nackers.  MOTION Much/Jonely to accept resignation of Doug Nackers.  Carried without a negative vote.

MOTION Much/Jonely to adjourn at 11:40 p.m.  Carried without a negative vote.

Respectfully submitted,


Lisa Coombs, Highway Engineering Specialist