February 6, 2015 Highway Committee Meeting

Chairman Flease called the meeting of the Waupaca County Highway Committee to order at 9 a.m. in the Waupaca County Highway office. Open meeting statement was noted.


Members present – Chairman Flease, Supervisors Jonely, Much, and Aasen. Supervisor McClone was excused.


Also present Andrew Lang, Casper’s Truck Equipment, Troy Redfearn, Monroe Truck & Equipment, Mike Krueger, Waupaca County Highway Equipment and Facility Superintendent, Jill Lodewegen, Highway Office Specialist, and Dean Steingraber, Highway Commissioner.


MOTION Jonely/Much to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2015 regular Committee Meeting.  Carried without a negative vote.

MOTION Aasen/Jonely to approve the February 6, 2015 meeting agenda of the Highway Committee. Carried without a negative vote.


The Committee members reviewed one (a) bill batch dated 1/29/15.  MOTION Jonely/Aasen to approve the bill batch as presented.  Carried without a negative vote.


Mr. Steingraber distributed the Commissioner’s Report which included:

·         Calendar dates that involve the Committee

·         Department projects

·         Financial Reports


Mr. Steingraber asked the committee to advertise the CTH F Local Road Improvement project for blacktop production. MOTION Jonely/Much to advertise the CTH F Local Road Improvement project for blacktop production. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee approve the CTH I (CTH Y and Paape Road Intersections) Design/Right of Way project payment for parcel #14 for Sally Kauth in the amount of $7,750. MOTION Much/Aasen to approve the CTH I (CTH Y and Paape Road Intersections) Design/Right of Way project payment for parcel #14 for Sally Kauth in the amount of $7,750. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber reviewed a proposal to reconstruct CTH Q (Round Lake Road to Arrowhead Drive) after Labor Day 2015. That ˝ mile section would be left in gravel over the winter, with the paving of that section as well as the remaining section (to STH 54) be completed in the Spring of 2016. Mr. Steingraber requested committee approval to advertise and bid the reconstruction work. MOTION Aasen/Jonely to bid out the reconstruction work for the CTH Q (Round Lake Road to Arrowhead Drive). Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber, with recommendations from Kris Carlin, Office Manager/Accountant and Heidi Dombrowski, Finance Director, that an account be created just for Performance Based Maintenance for any over or under amounts and that any over recovery would not be accumulated past $50,000. All recommendations are pending auditor approval. MOTION Much/Jonely to approve the creation of a Performance Based Maintenance account for any over or under amounts and that any over recovery would not be accumulated past $50,000, pending auditor approval. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Steingraber discussed with the committee recommendations to present to the HR Committee regarding Equipment Operator I new hire starting wages. Recommendations included flexibility to advance new employees through the first four steps with successful interim performance evaluation(s) and demonstration of skills and change of the table of organization by moving six (6) Equipment Operator I positions to Equipment Operator II positions. MOTION by Much/Jonely to present to the HR Committee with recommendations noted above. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Aasen left the meeting.

Mr. Steingraber asked the committee to advertise for Asphaltic Mixture and Surface Treatment. MOTION Jonely/Much to advertise for Asphaltic Mixture and Surface Treatment. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Steingraber discussed the Quad Axle Truck Accessories bid. Both Mr. Lang and Mr. Redfearn address the committee regarding their products. It was agreed to table the decision on who to award the bid to allowing further discussion and review of bids.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee re-award the Sign Maintenance Vehicle bid due to the Mid-State Truck for $73,300 bid not meeting specs. They recommended that the committee accept JX Peterbilt for $80,751 for the Sign Maintenance Vehicle. MOTION Much/Jonely to accept the bid of JX Peterbilt for $80,751 for the Sign Maintenance Vehicle. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee accept the bid of Aring Equipment Company for $249,137 for the Hydraulic Wheeled Excavator. MOTION Jonely/Much to accept the bid of Aring Equipment Company for $249,137 for the Hydraulic Wheeled Excavator. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee accept the bid of Wisconsin Kenworth for $134,965 for a Quad Axle Truck. MOTION Jonely/Much to accept the bid of Wisconsin Kenworth for $134,965 for a Quad Axle Truck. Carried without a negative vote.

Mr. Krueger and Mr. Steingraber recommended that the committee accept the bid of FABCO Equipment Inc for $63,645 for the Crawler Bulldozer. MOTION Much/Jonely to accept the bid of FABCO Equipment Inc for $63,645 for the Crawler Bulldozer.  Carried without a negative vote.

MOTION Jonely/Much to adjourn at 12:12 p.m.  Carried without a negative vote


Respectfully submitted,




Jill Lodewegen

Highway Office Specialist